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tv   President Biden Remarks in Syracuse NY on the CHIPS Act  CSPAN  April 28, 2024 5:20pm-5:40pm EDT

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♪ pres. biden: hello, hello, hello.
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on that shield every morning, their husband or wife, whoever it is, a child, worries about when they get that phone call, when they get that phone call. i got one of those phone calls under a different circumstance. you find out you have lost part of your soul, lost part of your heart. the entire syracuse community is grieving, and we are grieving with you. to the men and women in law enforcement here and across the country, you represent the best of us, you really do. it is one of the toughest jobs in america, one of the toughest jobs. and to their families, i say my heart goes out to you.
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thank you, and god bless you all. folks, i want to thank governor hogle for having us here today and for her partnership. thanks to chuck schumer for this project we are here to talk about today. good to be back in place that month so much to me in my life. i want to think the governor of idaho and the boise mayor for joining us. qualcomm ceo, thank you for your leadership and investment in america. a couple hundred, billions of dollars -- [laughter] we have seen your work. and all the union leaders here, including the federation of teachers. thank you for showing the world that we can do big things again in america. over the years, i have asked business leaders, because parts of my team criticize me from
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wanting to make these investments, things like the infrastructure bill, over $1 trillion, and we have an infrastructure decade coming. last time i had infrastructure week, and it never showed up. [laughter] but i was told, you know, this is government intervention. said, sure as hell is. [cheers and applause] it is not a joke. when the federal government makes a multibillion dollar investment, it can either encourage or discourage you from getting engaged. overwhelmingly, those say overwhelmingly yes, it encourages me to get engaged. and those of you are here today. and supply chains, you may remember we had a global shortage of semiconductors. smaller than the tip of your finger, now even smaller than that. smartphones the cars to
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dishwashers, satellites, we invented those chips here in america. we invented them. we made them move, modernized them. but we used to have 40% of this market, but over time, we stopped making them. so when the pandemic shut down chip factories overseas, everything went up. here at home, that semiconductor shortage grew one third of the surge in inflation in 2021, caused waiting lines for all kinds of products. i am never going to let us be vulnerable to wait lines again because we are going to make it here in america. [applause] by the way, that is not hyperbole. that is literal. together, we took action to make sure these chips were made in america again, creating tens of thousands, and i mean tens of thousands of good paying jobs.
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2022, together with leader schumer, we wrote the chips and science act and invested a significant amount of money. we used to do that, and we will do it again. a significant sign of technology and investment in our history. two months later, i came to celebrate a historic plant and build the biggest semiconductor manufacturing site in the world. it is the size of 40 football fields, 40 or they will have to fit four carrier domes inside and still have space left over. today, i am pleased to announce we are building on that commitment with a landmark preliminary agreement between my administration and a major chip manufacturer which is building here in upstate new york. 6.1 billion dollars in chips funding, paired with $125 billion from macron to move these facilities to new york and
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the headquarters in idaho. [applause] it has been mentioned before, the single biggest investment ever in the history of these two states, idaho and new york. not far from here in new york, it will help build two to four many factoring facilities planned by micron labs. and new manufacturing labs, as well. in all, over 70,000 jobs will be created across both states, at least 9000 of which are construction jobs, 11,000 manufacturing jobs, tens of thousands more up and down the supply chain food includes 9000 permanent micron manufacturing jobs right near here in clay. many of them paying, get this, $100,000 a year, and it does not
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require a college degree. [applause] these projects are governed by the largest agreement in states history, and let's make sure the work is done on time into the highest quality and most significant safety standards. i am pleased that micron is planning to sit down with unions to discuss the labor piece. that is not all. i know i'm criticized as the most pro-union president in history. but guess what, middle built this country, and unions built the middle class. [cheers and applause] these brand-new facilities are going to produce the most significant it, powerful, leading-edge chips in the entire world. each one has trillions, not billions, trillions of tiny
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features, each 4000 times thinner than a single hair on your head, and i have some very thin hair on my head. [laughter] they require manufacturing position down to the size of an atom. they process an enormous amount of information at lightning speed. they are critical to the emerging technology that will power tomorrow's economy, like intelligence and advance communication. they will make everyday things faster, lighter, smaller, more reliable. and it is about time. even though america advent -- invented these advanced chips, we do not make any of them today, zero. all manufacturing moved to asia years ago of these leading-edge chips, and that is why today is such a big deal. and it is a big deal. we are bringing advanced chips manufacturing back to america after 40 years. it will transform the semiconductor industry. it will create an entire new
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echo system in research, design, manufacturing for advanced chips here in america -- it will create an entire new ecosystem. when i say we become the manufacturing world leader again, some of you looked at me like i was crazy. where the heck is it written that american manufacturing will not be the capital of the world again? it is going to be. we already created nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs since i took office. we're just getting started. that is a fact, we're just getting started. it is not just about investing in america, it is about investing in the american people, as well. [cheers and applause] and that includes training folks for these high-paying jobs, highly skilled jobs that were created. to do that, we are bringing employers, unions, community colleges, high schools together,
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working closely to learn the skills hands-on. my wife jill cares a lot about this, as well, teaching at a community college right now. last year she announced initiatives in pittsburgh, phoenix, and other areas, and thousands of workers will be trained in these facilities. today, four new programs, one in detroit and lansing, michigan, to make electric cars, one in philadelphia, when in milwaukee. we will train workers to replace every poisonous lead pipe in america in a decade. here in syracuse, a new hub, semiconductor workers of the future. [applause] and i know that micron is partnering with the american federation of teachers to
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develop curriculum for high schools in new york state. think about it for those of you as young as me, in your 40's or so, how many schools still have shop? how many folks learn to work with your hands? a significant number of public schools did away with it. so many young people who are qualified and want to and are capable were never going to know that they had that capacity. well, i want to thank randy and sanjay for their work and micron's leadership in workforce development, because they make a big difference. [applause] my investment in america has attracted more than $825 billion -- $825 billion in private sector investment, not a penny which existed before i got elected. and we created a manufacturing boom, clean energy boom, semi conductor boom nationwide, and we clearly have the strongest economy in the world.
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that is a fact. 50 million new jobs created in three and a half years. unemployment has not been this low for this and for 50 years. wages are rising. we are exporting products and exporting american jobs -- exporting american products and creating american jobs. here in america, where they belong. [applause] folks, my predecessor and his maga republican friends have a different view, they oppose the chips and science act. there congressman rented williams called it corporate welfare -- there congressman brandon williams called a corporate welfare. two counties over, the ships act was called washington -- the chips act was called washington at its worst. i guess they are not going to be here today to celebrate. [laughter] [applause]
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but now -- conversion is wonderful, isn't it? now we see the surge in investment in jobs that we mobilize, and they are singing a different tune now. now they say this is critical. you got that? it is critical. now they say what we're doing will lead to more prosperous, secure, and innovative america. well, nothing i said like that about conversion, i agree, welcome, welcome, welcome. we have to stop this division. i promise to be the president of all america, whether you voted me in or not. we have to prove we leave no one behind. of the infrastructure jobs and proposals, we have more of them in red states than in blue states. it is about america.
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the past few years, i have talked to folks all across america, in their communities and other kitchen tables, they often tell me back in 2020, they were down, less the business. how many of you know someone who looked at carrier or another facility, a whole generation who worked there, and you are sitting there with the parent or mom or kid comes home and says i cannot live in a more, gotta move, they lost faith. syracuse is an example. for decades, it was a manufacturing boom town full of good paying jobs and a solid it'll class. i know -- a solid middle class. i know. i lived here, went to law school here, married a wonderful woman and came to syracuse law school. over the years, trickle-down economics swept it all away. under my predecessor, manufacturers left. places like bcs automotive in
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auburn shut down. 22,000 local jobs in syracuse disappeared. that is a story seen in community after community nationwide. hollowed out, robbed of hope. but not on my watch, thanks to the investments we are making in america and the partnership we have formed. american manufacturing is back. factories are going up all across the country. communities like syracuse are writing the great american comeback story. creating new jobs, new businesses, new hope. today, folks -- when folks see shovels in the ground for these projects, people going back to work, i hope they feel the pride i feel, pride in their hometown that is making a comeback, pride in america, pride to know we can get good things done when we
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work together. that is why i have never been more optimistic about this nations fever. -- future. we have to remember who we are, for god's sakes. we are the united states of america, and there is nothing beyond our capacity to get done when we work together. god bless you all, and may god protect our troops. this is a big deal today. congratulations, syracuse. congratulations. thank you. thank you. [applause] ♪
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