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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update your meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon president biden takes is strongest stance. yes, on the war between israel and hamas. he said no shipments of weapons. if israel invades rafah. and we are warming up
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today, we're expecting close to 90's inland 80 degrees san francisco. and it is wildfire preparedness week with the temperatures. sizzling how fire crews are preparing for potential trouble. >> from the bay news station. you're watching kron. news and news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. temperatures across the bay area are expected to be the highest that we have seen in quite some time. we're going to take a live look outside right now. you can see just how sunny and beautiful it is. here's a live look across the golden gate bridge. we are going to check in on those sizzling temperatures right now with kron four's gayle ong. she gets us started now with the forecast. yes, a little taste of summer here. here are the current temperatures during this noon hour. upper 70's already over in livermore 79 and oakland. 75 and downtown san francisco. and you can see in the north bay. >> it looks like santa rosa is already at 81 degrees today.
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so here are the temperature changes. 14 degrees up in half moon bay. this is one of the warmest days this weekend. if i do see 80 degrees in san francisco. the last time we saw that was last october. so we have high pressure taking over. you may notice it's breezy out there. we have low pressure right off shore there. and that's kicking up those offshore winds. it feels refreshing depending where you are. feels nice. and oakland, so you'll notice the breeze and the warm temperatures. and here are the current wind speeds right now. we're in the teens over san francisco dovato and oakland, 20 degrees up in fairfield. and these are the forecast normally the warmest temperatures we're going to be from now until 03:00pm. you can see we see 80's on the map here. so just stay hydrated. have that sunscreen, sunglasses and foot box kind of day and you can see nice blue skies out there along the golden gate bridge. so when i come back, we will be talking about more heat because it looks like we'll be saying sticking around with this warming trend for the next couple of days. justine. all right. thank you so much. so that weather is heating up
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and drying us out and it is wildfire preparedness week across california with fire officials reminding everyone. >> fire season is coming on 4. charles clover joins now live from san francisco with some details there. and hopefully he's wearing a layer of sunscreen. >> good afternoon. yeah, i've got my sunscreen on and i'm here to confirm all those gayle was just saying that it's nice here in san francisco in crissy field. it's about in the 70's or so little breeze blowing. but this is wildfire preparedness weekend as temperatures warm up a cal fire's reminding everyone to get ready. owing a wet and snowy winter. california's fire season appears to be getting off to a slow start. conditions are very similar to what happened last year that we still have a lot of moisture in the soil. lot moisture in our life ewells out. there's our vegetation. >> so it's possible that we could a lot of the brunt of fire activity pushed back a little bit later in the year. but even a fire season is the late cal fire says it's still important to prepare. the more
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you can do now. the better off you will be when the danger is at its greatest. now is it is the time that you want to be creating that defensible space. you want to do your home hardening projects you want to prepare and you are prepare yourself for that threat of wildfires. cal fire is also reminding everyone to make sure you have an emergency go bag ready. just in case you have to leave home quickly and to create an emergency evacuation plan to what are you going to do? should you be evacuated? you your go bag do you know where you and your family are going to meet up if you're evacuated? and finally, they also suggest signing up for emergency alerts in your county to make sure you are well informed if something happens. all right, back live. now, even though the weather is warming up the first day of summer isn't actually until june. 20th. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. >> all right. happening today, the port of oakland will be making its final decision on whether to rename oakland
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international airport as kron. 4 s michael thomas reports. the potential name change is being met with some controversy. and already it's facing a lawsuit. >> the san francisco bay oakland airport is the new name that's causing all the controversy. and oakland officials say they're voting on that name today whether the city officials in san francisco like it or not, the port of oakland says it sees nothing wrong with adding the words san francisco bay to the oakland airport's name. but the city of san francisco does and so do some of oakland's residents. >> can say i like the name open because i've lived here. not only because going to san francisco and the last something, you know, one of the people who don't live here, they don't even know the san francisco has since filed a federal lawsuit regarding the name change and it feels it will cause confusion for travelers. but oakland officials say they took a survey from some customers that seem to like the idea. but the san francisco city attorney david chiu says he finds it hard to believe. >> we had a chance. finally to take a look at their so-called customer survey. and it was
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riddle with all sorts of issues. it was essentially a survey that push respondent's toward the answers that they wanted. it didn't give them the direct choice the city attorney has offered to work with oakland's board to find a middle ground and some alternative names that would be less oakland officials say they'll consider that during today's board meeting at 01:00pm. also adding that the suit was filed prematurely. >> as for oakland travelers, well, they say this, you know that it's a great teams. i publicity won nationwide. >> it may better change. so people will recognize the name. oakland is a great place and i like the name >> as we get more details on today's meeting and if the name is officially changed, we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting in oakland, michael thomas from 4 news. >> a big vote at the state capitol. happening now. the california public utilities commission deciding on a
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proposal that would require most residents to pay a new $24.15 fixed utility charge. that charge will be added on top of electricity. use. this plan includes an hourly cut of 5 to $0.7 per kilowatt, which means california to use high amounts of power could save in the long run state. senate republicans oppose this fix charging claimed consumers will see an increase of $300 per year on their bills. utility companies like pg e's say that this new flat fee will help pay for maintenance of the power grid and will help low income californians if approved this new plan will go into effect in 2025. this week marks national nurses week at a group of nurses at laguna honda hospital in san francisco are asking for more than appreciation. nurses will pick it outside of the hospital between 2 and 4 this afternoon asking the city to hire more staff before admitting more patients. nurses say in order to protect and improve the quality of
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patient care, hiring more staff as needed. the group is hopeful that they'll come to an agreement with the city but say they're prepared to go on strike if necessary. happening tomorrow, the man accused of attempting to kill his family by driving off a cliff in san mateo county will have a final hearing on his mental health. here's what's happening. so tomorrow, the attorneys for dharmesh patel, we'll deliver their closing arguments. the unique case hinges on what kind of mental health crisis. the father was suffering. when he drove off that highway highway one in january of last year, his wife and 2 kids were inside of the family's car when it plunged 250 feet off of a cliff. they all survived on friday. the judge could decide to divert tells case out of criminal court and into a mental health treatment program. instead. but if the judge rules in favor of the defense patel will be freed from jail immediately. and then once he completes a two-year program, his record will be cleared. in the east
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bay at how the university is pushing forward with graduation this weekend. despite the growing protests going on at that encampment on campus graduation scheduled for saturday morning at memorial stadium. how leaders say they often deal with protesters and they're able to hand or whatever comes their way. lots of parents have been coming into town the past couple of days. the ready to celebrate there. kids achievements and at the ceremony, there will be no backpacks, no banners, no signs. and there is a clear bag policy. the school says it's ready and it values the importance of going through with graduation. >> graduates, their friends in the family and their families. should be able to enjoy one of the most meaningful days in their lives. we haven't made any changes in our plans, but we understand that there is a possibility of disruption this year, like every year in the past. >> and it remains at sproul plaza. demonstrators are calling on the university to divest from israel. a school a
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school spokesperson says they have no plans to do so. developing news now, a shipment of humanitarian aid has left a port in cyprus and it's now on its way to the u.s. built pier in gaza. the first delivery to this newly built ramp. but this is coming about 2 months after president joe biden gave the order to build that large floating platform several miles off the coast of gaza for these type deliveries, israel still planning its next offensive in gaza. and now the president is doubling down on pausing arms shipments to the u.s. ally news nation's robert sherman has more. >> while we've heard president biden in the past articulate his stance that he does not want to see israeli troops going into rafah. he has now drawn his from line in the sand to date in an interview given this week, he said, quote, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons, reopen the concerns american officials have for the humanitarian situation inside
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that southern city of the enclave near the egyptian border. it's currently has made over 1 million people are sheltering there and some have been displaced multiple times since the start of the war and are opting to flee once again to find safety them on this is the 3rd or 4th time we have had to move. >> i don't know. we don't know where we will go. the israelis well aware of american concerns but showing no signs of relenting. this is new video showing their forces amassing monday evening. >> israeli tanks staging and preparing to enter southern gaza. still, israel says they have no plans to take the pressure off of we will continue to keep up the military pressure on hamas. >> we know from the from the last. hostage release. we needed both the military presha and the diplomatic channel. >> hostage talks continuing today as both israel and hamas are indicating they have no
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intention of budging from their top line demands for hamas. that means they want a deal that will end the war. israel reiterating again, that is not on the table. tel aviv, robert sherman, news nation. >> still ahead, more trouble for homeowners for searching for insurance. the new rate hike that could be coming. plus, a martial arts studio owner who has this east bay shop is now fighting to stay open after the latest attack on his business. and investigation is underway to see if about function to an electric vehicle is what is behind the accident that killed a family of 4 in the east bay.
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>> we're taking a live look outside here at the flags whipping in the wind on the embarcadero. there's peer 15. it is summer outside gayle ong this with us here to go over the details. how hot are we going to get today? yeah, we could see 81 degrees san francisco the next few hours. and you know what that means practically summer in the city and we're coming out of a wind advisory. so you may notice it is breezy still at some places. so here are the temperature trends. here's berkeley, for example, expected to reach 83 degrees today. but notice friday tomorrow in the 70's. well, that is because of a change in the winds. and then here's concord where it's super league does get really warm right? so over the next few days conquered, you're going to see the upper 80's until saturday and then start to get relief from the heat on monday back in the 70's. so here are the future wind gusts that we are still breezy here. 20's in the higher elevation in the
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north bay. 25 in calistoga, as i take you through the day, it starts to calm down in the teens and then notice a 23 degrees or by later on tonight at 5.30, that's onshore flow. they'll be cooling things down for us and tomorrow we have a change in the winds here where we have onshore flow here by the coast and still some offshore flow. the wind coming from the land in the north face that will be warming up and also cooling some areas down, especially by the coast. so you'll notice temperatures should cool down by 10 degrees tomorrow. so right now we're sitting in the 70's 79 and not for right now. 78 in san francisco and i-75 in downtown san francisco, 78 in san jose right now. so it's warm today and we will be warming up. these are yesterday's high. we started to see that warming trend yesterday with 80's and upper 70's and san francisco. now today, take a look. we are bumping up in temperatures that up 8 degrees over in places like concord and san jose could reach close to 86 as well. so with the warm temperatures, of course,
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there's the allergy risk. so a medium-high today and you get a little bit of a break on friday, but saturday is also going to be a warm one as you can see here. so just keep that in mind. also, air-quality does look moderate in some areas. so friday we could see 90's in our inland communities. but we're sticking around for this warming trend of sunday. nice and sunny for mother's day. back to you. i love to see that. thank you. and now to the east bay where questions remain on whethe a potential steering malfunction on an electric car is what is is responsible for a crash that killed a pleasant and family. >> kron four's dan kerman reports. >> it was 2 weeks ago when a family of 4 was killed on foothill road near stone ridge drive when the vehicle they were driving, lost control, hit a pole and then crashed into a tree before bursting into flames. the vehicle in question vinfast a new entry into the electric vehicle market. now an unidentified person is filed a complaint with the national highway traffic safety administration
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or nitsa describing what appears to be this crash and complaining about the car's steering system. the complaint seems to come from the owner of the 2023 vinfast vf 8 who admits to having steering problems before loaning the card to a co-worker who died in the crash. the complaint says the steering wheel automatically maneuvered to the right direction. however, the contact was able to regain control of the steering wheel and maneuvered into the correct lane. the contact stated the failure recurred where the lane assist was turned on by default and it would automatically move the steering wheel. the contact was concerned that the failure, rick heard while the co-worker was driving, that raises questions about the vehicles, lane assist feature the way these link keeping assist systems generally work. >> is you have a camera that's mountain behind the wind above the mirror. typically that's looking forward. looking looking ahead at the road and it's looking for the lane
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lines. the lane markings. and then i'm sending that signal. it certairly recognizes the land markings will send that signal electronic control unit in the vehicle that is tied to your steering. sam abuelsamid is an auto industry analyst with guidehouse insights. he says it's not unusual for an automaker to have issues when they launch a new vehicle, especially. >> when it has new features and technology, it's designed to keep you in the land. however, you know, the all need to be calibrated properly. the camera needs to be calibrated the steering and believed to be calibrated and it could be that what's with these been fast vehicles is that the cameras not properly calibrated. and so it sinks that the cars in a position where it's not that it's a website includes a total of 9 complaints about the 2023 vinfast vf. 8, 3 citing steering problems. will now investigate. but experts say
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not to expect any action any time soon. >> it can take a long time before they take any action. sometimes years. kron four's reached out to vinfast for comment but did not hear back the cause of the pleasanton crash remains under investigation. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> an east bay martial arts studios vowing to stay open after dealing with repeated vandalism. the owner says he's just trying to sheriffs passion while running a positive business for kids and families in west oakland kron four's dan thorn spoke and has the story. >> windows broken and walls painted with graffiti at afro-brazilian martial arts she oakland vandalism has become an unfortunate occurrence to side. >> i'm disappointed. because, you know, say i try to understand what i'm doing wrong. >> owner loose of although day olivia era opened the studio
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for years ago with the hope of teaching the brazilian art form of capital era. but daily vieira says over time the space is also grown to become a community center for children and families. >> so i created, you know, that's all you need to be able to enjoy the spacing fuel. up next with brazil. >> he says some of the vandalism includes profanity laced complaints about noise. most of the studio's classes do involve music. parents have also expressed concerns today levy era about the damage. so that is frustrating for me. >> because i want to try to to to always make sure that be there. and i do everything to make sure like the trust me this is going to change. hopefully soon. >> they levy era says he has an idea who might be behind the vandalism but has not been able to prove it. he's grateful to have the support of shea oakland community, who he believes will overcome this adversity. he says they're not
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going anywhere. he's going to get that. and i want to as a few possible for and then let's make a nice to get it by my side in the give up with news in oakland, dan thorn. >> kron 4 news. >> and trevor shirley in washington, congress appears ready to miss a deadline to reauthorize the faa. so what's that mean? i've got that story coming up just ahead. also, why health experts are raising awareness on the mental health of new mothers.
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>> for your health this afternoon, close to 20% of mothers within a year of giving birth well experience, some type of postpartum depression. this is according to the national institutes of health. postpartum depression is depression after having a child. it can include some. questioning your capability as a parent feeling disconnected from your newborn and also having intrusive thoughts. experts say in addition to depression, many new mothers also suffer from postpartum anxiety that often goes unreported. idea of like. >> right when you give birth and you have a newborn and their healthy in your healthy, like you should be so grateful and everything should be wonderful. and you should be happy. so connected, you know, to yourself and your child. >> health experts say these mood disorders are treatable and normal. if you're feeling any of these symptoms, you should reach out to your healthcare provider.
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>> or a trusted loved one. for your money. this afternoon, more developments in california. streaking homeowners insurance industry rather than leaving. one ensure has decided to raised its prices. instead, travelers insurance says it will be increasing. homeowner premiums and average of 15% ahead of this year's anticipated wildfire risks. some customers could see hikes of 25%. but in a filing, travelers indicated about 1400 policies would be dropped entirely because of the extreme risk around 320,000 people in california have their homeowners policies through travelers, which is the nation's 6th largest property insurer. also, disney and warner brothers are teaming up for a new offer for a streaming bundle. that includes disney plus hulu and max, it seems to be the first time the 2 rival streaming services are teaming up to offer a package deal. the bundle com in both ad free and ad-supported options. the
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exact launch date and pricing is not known yet. the move is coming as prices for streaming services continue to creep up. >> governor gavin newsom is asking the california supreme court to remove the measure from the november ballot that would make it more difficult for government to raise capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll take you inside the hearing and a lot of reaction from supporters and opponents. >> plus, dozens of people in the east bay rallying in support of berkeley school superintendent after she answered lawmakers. questions about allegations jewish students are being harassed at school. east palo alto cat is going to get a whole new going to get a whole new chance at life. (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency.
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it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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>> all right. a live look outside here in san francisco. certainly breezy out there in parts of the bay area. but san francisco's going to see the hottest weather. it has felt since last october. so for details on that are going to turn now to kron four's gayle ong. she's with us here in the weather center with just how warm it's going to get today. yeah. here are the current temperatures right now this noon hour. so we're getting into those hours where we see that warmest temperatures of the day. san francisco is reporting 79 in some parts of the city and notice that's warmer than las vegas at 74 over up and down the coast here. pretty much a 3 in sacramento and los angeles. 71 san diego. 68 have a bit of a marine layer out. there's a little cooler over by the coast down south. so temperatures right now i'm seeing a lot of 70's here close to 80's of 79 in oakland, pittsburgh, already hitting 82 degrees and we have
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80 in petaluma 81 in santa rosa. and 75 over in downtown san francisco point bays at 78 degrees. that is a warm day by the coast. you can see blue skies here along half moon bay and some people walking along the ocean there and the current wind speeds. we are breezy. we are coming out that wind advisory from the morning. so san francisco is at 16 miles per hour. and this these are offshore wind. so you'll notice it is quite warmer than our usual sea breeze. so here are the highs. so maybe about an hour or 2, we could see 80's here. so if san francisco does reach at 81, 82, that will be the first time since last october, which is typically our summertime in san francisco. so looking ahead here now, friday is expected to be warm as well close to the 90's inland in our inland areas saturday. also another warm day as well. so just stay hydrated and wear your sunscreen and your hat and just said, take care of yourself. if you are sensitive to the heat. when i come back, we'll have your 7 day forecast. back to you. all right. thank you.
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>> here's what's just in to the kron 4 newsroom. the california public utilities commission has voted in favor of a proposal that changes how some power companies calculate customers, bills. this vote was unanimous. the decision is expected to make it less expensive for people to charge electric cars and cool their homes in the summer. but it would increase prices for those who don't use as much energy pg e will now at a fixed charge to power bills each month. for most people. the charge will be about $24.15 every month. and it's supposed to be paying for things such as installing and maintaining the equipment necessary to transmit electricity into homes. in exchange for this new charge, the price of electricity is supposed to drop, which could that lower monthly bills? this new plan is expected to start next year. that was shot in east palo alto will finally get to have the surgery that he needs. this cat is named baby and he needs 2 surgeries,
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one to remove a bullet. the other to repair his leg and the owner initially thought that the cat had a limp due to a fight and the vet reading baby told kron 4, it appears that the cat got shot on its left side and then likely broke his leg running away. the cat they think was shot somewhere near lincoln avenue and east bayshore road and east palo alto. police say they do not have any information on a suspect. and after our story on baby aired last night, people have now donated enough money for the cap to have the 2 operations that it needs. those surgeries will happen next week with more details on the story on our website. kron 4 dot com. now dozens of people gathered in berkeley to support the superintendent of the berkeley unified school district. unique afford more thorough testified before congress on what's being done to handle the rise in anti-semitism in schools. kron 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> dozens of parents and community members rallied at the old city hall in berkeley wednesday in support of the
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superintendent and the kia forte. more thelle. i thought she did an amazing job. more thought was one of 3 school leaders who are grilled by u.s. house republicans about how they're handling a rise in anti-semitism since the conflict erupted between israel and palestine. in october. we have. >> teachers that are teaching hate to our kids and showing it students being a feeling fearful for this. do they are the founder, this transfer to another school the u.s. department of education is investigating. be usd over accusations. the district has failed to address, quote, nonstop severe and persistent bullying of jewish students. more thelle defended the district's actions. if we have a concern or complaint about anti-semitism or any form of hate. >> we take it very seriously. we investigate and we take action pending the outcome of that investigate hours after the congressional hearing, community members rallied in support of the district. people held up signs that read
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defended berkeley schools and congress fund education, not genocide. and the fact that headlines are the headlines, this liz jackson is a jewish mom of 2 kids in berkeley unified. she and other parents at the rally say they feel education should not be censored. >> we teach them that. it's not safe to talk about genocide on we're in danger ourselves and we're in danger or problem is that their representatives and many people, parents and community members think that only one perspective should be taught. and the other side is all about terrorism. and that's not right. it's racist. back in november, more than 12,000 parents and community members in berkeley center letter. >> to the board of education and superintendent complaining about anti-semitism in the classroom. we reached out to some of those parents, but they could not speak to us in time for this report.
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>> that was sara stinson reporting for us. and now to uc davis for counter protesters are calling attention to the remaining israeli hostages being held by hamas. and at the same time, they're also raising some concerns about student safety and antisemitism on campus. the davis october 7th coalition is a group of university professors, staff and students. also some davis residents. they say they were disappointed when the group popular university for the liberation of palestine assemblnd their camp meant on may 6th, which was whole costs remembrance day. a student within that group now saying that the move there was not intentional, the coalition set up their own and installation than 30 feet away. >> we're just wrote to messages like bring them home. you know, remember october 7th, you know, never again. and we put all the names of the current hostages still over there. i think that every jewish person in davis on this campus sympathizes with the
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plight of the gazans as well. but unfortunately, no one is sympathetic to our plight. >> the collision temporarily took down their signs because of yesterday's windy weather. but plan on putting it back up. meanwhile, cap and has doubled in size over the past 4 days. uc davis administrators say they have deployed more security around campus as a result. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and a big fight is brewing over major ballot measure that would make it tougher for local and state governments to raise taxes. the california supreme court officially took up a lawsuit calling on justice is to remove this measure from the ballot. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the details. >> meeting in san francisco justices on the california supreme court heard arguments supporting and opposing the taxpayer protection and government accountability act. we're tpa. they specifically must decide whether to take it off the november ballot. the
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proposed measure already qualified for the upcoming november ballots with more than 1 million signatures turned supporters note, if passed, the measure would require voters to approve every new state tax increase or new state fee proposed by the state legislature or local governments. it would also change the voter threshold for local citizen run tax initiatives from a simple majority to at least two-thirds majority needed to but governor gavin newsom and democratic members of the legislature say the measure is illegal because they believe it would significantly revise the california state constitution. it would prevent government from doing its job. that's why newsom says he filed a lawsuit asking the california supreme court to consider removing the measure from the november 2024 ballot. attorney mark or printing represented the governor during oral arguments at the high court. if taxing were subject to voter approval. >> it might become impossible and it would certainly be
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delayed for for the legislature to try pass a balanced budget, raise revenues that are necessary on the other side, attorney thomas hi-tech represented the measure's proponents, including the howard jarvis taxpayers association. >> they want the measure to remain on the ballot, our constitution since its inception. >> has stated that all political power inherent in the people. >> and what tpa does its recent war, not only the people's power to have check and balance on that requires the legislature to be part of that process. that's accountability. assembly speaker robert remus and former senate president pro tempore toni atkins signed onto the lawsuit, urging the court to strip the measure from the ballot. they wrote the amount of harm this measure could cause is vast and would hamper local government in our state's ability to function. but republican assembly minority leader james gallagher disagrees. he says the governor is trying to take away the voters ability to decide for themselves. he's fine with taking away your right to vote. >> on the ballot in november.
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so, look, i think people see the park are seeing there just not buying his books. >> now the ball is in the court of the 7 justices on the state supreme court. among their options. they could strike it from the ballot, which means it would not go before the voters in november. >> or they could do some variation allowed to go to the people for a vote on november. 5th, but maybe take one or more provisions out. yes, this is a precedent setting case. however, they decided in the court is expected to make a in sacramento, eytan wallace. - >> kron 4 news. >> congresswoman barbara has officially endorsed congressman adam schiff in the race for the late senator dianne feinstein's seat shift made this announcement on social media yesterday and we lost to him in the primary election. the congressman will face former baseball star and republican steve garvey in the november election. a republican has not won a statewide election in california since 2006 and
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national news. now, congress is now on track to miss tomorrow's deadline to reauthorize the faa is authority and it will likely need to pass another short-term extension. our washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with more. >> that legislation is now in the senate's hands. but it still has to clear the house, which is in back in washington until next week. >> we're working really hard to get it finished this week in the senate. and that's what we hope to do. but a short term extension to keep the faa running is now almost guaranteed as tomorrow's deadline creeps closer. nobody absolutely. nobody should want us to pass slip past the deadline that would needlessly increase risks for so many travelers and so many federal workers, congress has to reauthorize the faa every 5 years. this legislation does that and mandates. new safety features like systems at airports to avoid plane collisions. this legislation.
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strengthens the standards for their safety. bolsters the aviation workforce, modernizes american airports in urban and rural settings. >> promotes innovation in american aviation and enhances consumers. air travel experience. the bill also includes consumer protections for travelers like forbidding airlines from charging families extra to sit together to get faa. don't we need 3 things. cooperation, haste in a common desire to get to? yes. and while the desire, maybe they're the clock keeps ticking. absolutely have to do something about the end of the week. >> and exactly. >> how that plays out. i tell you right now, but we this is the bill we need to pass and pass on time. >> congress is expected to pass some kind of short-term extension by tomorrow with a vote on full authorization sometime next week reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley.
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>> coming up, we're highlighting a are making it their mission to break barriers within the industry. we'll hear why they say it's important to ensure that their culture [♪♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well
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you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student.
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i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. memory is better. it's been about two years now and it's working for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> firefighters played crucial role in protecting our communities. despite the progress over the years, the api community remains underrepresented amongst first responders cried for stephanie lin introduces us to one organization that's now working to change that. >> it's a busy day at san
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francisco's fire station the engine. trucks and rescue squad rolling out to emergencies across the keep doing it. despite these challenges, i don't quit. >> and they're sliding into acting lieutenant stanley braving literal trial by fire after nearly 3 decades with the department day today. >> there's a lot of unpredictability. that was the beauty of being a firefighter. you never i and >> on average san francisco fire response to more than 200 emergency medical calls like this a day becoming working. have know you have a building collapse. >> right, because i'm on the rescue squad. we respond to have to fire since lee heads, the asian firefighters association or say employee group within san francisco fire working to support and recruit more asians and pacific islanders. knowing
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that i have a community within a community has been great. julie mao is assistant deputy chief. she serve san francisco for more than 2 decades. when you're first starting out. >> did you feel underestimated? oh, absolutely. when i came into the department, people would second, guess me and they can. you lift this latter. can you start can you do these things and like absolutely. >> let's go breaking barriers through smoke and stereotypes. every day i come to work. i am that shows other people that lgbtq asian pacific islander. >> a woman to be in this job and it opens their doors. hopefully it gives a message to the younger generation api members. they. >> this is something you could do nationwide just over one percent of firefighters api. 17% of san francisco firefighters api. >> asians make up more than 37% of the population. why is it so important that we have a
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firefighting force that reflects its community? representation matters when people see themselves? >> in the people that are helping in their worst day. they feel a sense of trust. when i go on calls, you filipino. we can have a conversation with somebody that speaks only to go for firefighter, robert to representation also means being a role model when a little kid sees somebody that looks like them. >> well, i can do that. in august. say led a mission to maui shortly after deadly wildfires torched the things that we complain about. >> it's it's miniscule, you know, these people lost their homes, lost their livelihood, their living out their cars. it was eye-opening. the team assisting local fire crews to stamp out a grass fire near a relief center distributing relief supplies to families in need in times of disaster. when people see that there's a bigger response like. >> if the firefighters coming over really helps people understand that there's love and support for them to be on
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there, their local community. the department plans to make another trip back this year. you know, it takes hard to be a firefighter. you give of yourself to your colleagues to your community. what are you proudest of when it comes to being an asian firefighter in san francisco? we're doing we're accomplishing, you know, i see a bunch of chiefs now that that are >> asian. and it's something that my son can see to for me being here. it gives my son. >> of someone to look up to i love this out. it's very satisfying. when you know, you helped save a life. it's absolutely rewarding. and that's what keeps us going in san francisco. >> stephanie, late. kron, 4 news. tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. it all leads up to our special that airs on thursday. may 23rd. >> at 06:30pm. a live look outside here at the city of san francisco. gorgeous out there today. you're going to nhed some hydration, some
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sunscreen, sunglasses, which is why we have kron four's gayle on here with details what's going on today that this heat is going to continue into the weekend. yes, all of the above. it's going to be a warm and you look at the temperatures right now, this at 12 or close to 01:00pm hour. 75 degrees here in downtown san francisco. 78 already in san jose. we're seeing 80's and santa rosa and avato. >> and 79 degrees over in antioch and napa. so it's a hot one. tomorrow is expected to be hot in our inland areas where santa rosa's actually expecting to hit 91 degrees. so as you mentioned, you want to keep the sunblock handy. the hat stay hydrated. we have high pressure in control. we're also in between this area, low pressure that's creating that pressure gradient. so that's why we've been breezy. we have those offshore winds. now the winds are going to change a bit from offshore to on onshore on flow. i know it's it sounds a similar, but it they're different. so you can see here we're clear right? that means
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we have sunny skies all around the bay area here today. and that will be the case tomorrow. but here are the winds out talking about so notice they are coming from the land here. so they're offshore right now. that's why you may notice it's pretty it's pretty warm and nice warm breeze. it could feel refreshing is if you're in places like oakland, it was really nice this morning. so over by the coast to francisco, a warm breeze there. but here's the weather pattern. we will be under the influence of high pressure for a while now. so these warm temperatures are going to stick around until at least saturday even another ridge of high pressure right behind this one here. so next week, the long-range forecast is showing 70's and 80's as our daytime highs in lynn and around the bay. so these are the todays highs were expected to bump up in temperatures to the 80's and about and our 2. so the 02:03pm, hours. that's usually our warmest temperatures of the day. 82 degrees. we'll see if that verifies in san francisco. 83
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expected in fremont and close to 90 degrees in livermore today. 85 in santa rosa and half moon bay. when it's 70's over by the coast. that's a warm day. so looking ahead, take a look at all the sunshine. so just want to stay hydrated. there is medium to moderate heat risk for our inland communities where you can see tomorrow, places like santa rosa particular could see 90 degrees. but we have a lot of sunshine, a little bit of relief from this heat next week to the 70's around the bay. but looks like a warm and sunny weekend. back to you. friday, 90 degrees. >> next year at noon, we're going to be the newest addition to the oakland zoo.
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>> all right. some exciting animal news today was news all over the world showing off their newest arrivals even here in the bay area. there's a lot of buzz in the east bay. we're going to meet now. the new qb joining the oakland zoo has just welcomed its 6th draft. they say that this 13 month-old male giraffe came from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. >> the zoo says just getting
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used to his new environment and then will be moved into the full draft habitat when he's ready. zoo keepers say he started exploring his new space and already discovered a wind chime that he really likes. so the zoo is also saying that the draft needs and so they're going to hold on social media so people can pick it. we put them up on the screen here. as you can see, it's all the open until the 13th. so the names that they pick their swahili names, there's nz, which means powerful new rule, which means lights and meaning scar. so you can go to the oakland zoo's instagram or website are x facebook. vote for your favorite. and then when those little's draft was ready, good. meet at the oakland zoo. and there were 3 cut line compas that were spotted taking the first steps right outside of the london zoo. the cubs born on march 13th.
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>> so far spend most of their time inside with their mom. the trio has not yet been gendered or named. the 3 cubs are part of the zoo's breeding program which contributes to the conservation of that endangered species. what name would you pick for the draft? and i think is the right one. all right. that's it from the newsroom today. i'm justine waldman. thank you so much for joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon. see you again during kron. 4 news at 2, 3. but for now live in the bay is next. >> hey, justine, thank so much. we have a great show coming up today on live in the bay. we have a performance here in studio and we're also talking mother's day celebrations that you can take part in. how about the city and at home so much coming up. and at home so much coming up.
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>> well, coming alive in the day. we have a great show for you today. coming up, mother's day at union square. we get a breakdown of all the events taking place this weekend to celebrate mom. >> and the dance and music company paying tribute to philippine heritage, their workshops and performances. >> get a live studio presentation from parents all. >> then the forty-niners foundation just had a big goal that fans everywhere can take part we get the details on how you can support your team on the go on the road. plus, our favorite been your mom is back in studio with us. we get some great mother's day recipe. ideas that are surely mom feeling pampered >> all that and so much more happening today on live in the bay.


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