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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  October 2, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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a teenage girl hospitalized. police have a suspect in custody and they tell us he was a wanted man. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry joins us at police headquarters with more on this, same, good morning. >> a teenage girl was taken to the hospital after being shot in the arm, and police say witnesses helped identified the suspect. a 17 year-old girl is recovering this morning after being shot in the arm, police say she was sitting next to a man on the porch of her grandmother's house in the 5900 block of cottage street in wissonoming around 11:00 last night. that is when a shoot's approach them. after a verbal argument with the girl the man fired five shots, one at point blank range hitting her in the right arm. >> the bullet broke her arm. >> the man shot and shot at her again this time hitting several homes in the process. >> she ran to several houses, and her grandmother's house and two other houses next to her grand mom's house trying to get in the front door while
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this male continued to shoot. >> reporter: shooter fled but police apprehended the suspect. >> fortunately these numerous witness december cooperate with police not only telling us a good description to apprehend this individual but also positively identifying, our suspect. >> reporter: we're told suspect was already wantedded on a warrant. >> we do believe was the the intended target. we believe that the shooter, knew this 17 year-old female prior to shooting her. >> reporter: teen is being treated at st. christopher's hospital, and she is being treated for a gun the shot wound, and subsequently a broken arm. now the man she was sitting with, was not hurt, so far no word on the motive for this shooting. we are he's live at police headquarters, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". also new this morning fire fighters in north philadelphia, rushed to the scene of a historic school building fire. the flames broke out around 1:00 in the old simon mayer street at germantown and allegheny avenue.
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the fire was quickly placed under control, no injuries were reported. school is closed and building was up for sale. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. investigators in new jersey want to know who intentionally set a fire in the home of coupe are health ceo and y officials pronounced seven two-year old john sheridan and his wife joyce, dead early sunday morning. we are still waiting for medical examine ter release their official cause of death, but authorities say the fire that was contained to their bedroom, was arson. just about 6:03. lets get traffic and weather together. >> ukee, it will be a pleasant day out there overall and all things considered the last few days have been very pleasant, anyway, but we had still been dealing with this area have low pressure enough to make for a wordy forecast because we were dealing with fog. we were dealing with drizzle and wind, new we are seeing so much of that just completely disappear because the area of low pressure has done the same. that said, you might see a
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little patchy fog but might have to go far inland in toward central pennsylvania for that to be the case or poconos, usual suspects, higher terrain, valleys, riverbeds where you tend to find. that we are quiet, no storms in sight for now. sixty-three the current temperature at the airport. wind is generally out of the north/north east depending on the location but it is calm in mount pocono. you need moisture and calm winds for fog to form and we have that up there right now. again that is a spot you could see, some lower lying cloud cover and just mess with your visibility a little bit. not too terrible right now. as we go throughout the the day the entire region can expect a partly sunny day in matter how you put this intervals of clouds and sun, more clouds, some sun, however you word it, it is the same story and the same weather icon for every location. lower 07's in philadelphia and down the shore, cooler in the mountains, vittoria, over to you. traveling on i-95 we have better news for northbound commuters but i don't know
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when you see 95 right now as we take you outside it doesn't look great. here's good news, earlier oil tanker on the north bound side of 95 which is taillight side has been push out of the way. you will note thinks is cottman avenue off ramp, right, tanker is pulled off on have of that off ramp so note that is traffic here as they pull it out of the way. it is taking time. but good news it is in longer blocking right-hand lane. bad news is we have residual delays. southbound i-95 not looking great. we are seeing that rush at 6:04 a few more headlights from approaching cottman avenue through construction zone and catch a break and run into a touch more traffic approaching girard avenue making your way in the city. ninety-five we are seeing that rush creeping up, note that if you are watching right new because by the time you get split will be worse. 422 eastbound not awful. a few more vehicles. is there drop on i-95 down to 37. every where else in the 50's still. watch out on the pennsylvania
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turnpike westbound between bensalem and fort washington we have overnight construction project that may be lingering. the supposed to end up at 6:00 but it will still take time. mass transit looks great. erika. the secret service has a new you temporary lead they are morning from our area. joseph clancy is stepping in after director julian pierson resigned wednesday. susan mcginn is reports, many believe recent security breaches were not just embarrassing for the agency but put the president and first family in danger. >> reporter: retired secret service agent joseph clancy is back, once a member of the president's closest security detail, he will now temporarily lead the agency. after just 18 months on the job julia pierson resign under heavy pressure yesterday. she told bloomberg news it is painful to leave as the agency is reeling from the significant security breach. september 19th a man jumped white house fence and made it into the east room of the president's home. support for pierson quickly
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faded this week with the level lacing that an armed contractor with prior arrests rode an elevator with the president during a visit in atlanta last month. some members have called for an independent investigation in the agency's operations, the director of home land security, says that will happen, the president is standing by the agent is assigned to protect him. >> the the president has nothing but the highest regard for the men and women of the secret service. >> reporter: white house says next permanent director of the secret service could come from outside the agency. susan mcginnes cbs-3 "eyewitness news". clancy a havertown native is not new to the agency. he served as help head of the president's protective division until 201 16789 then bee he came director of corporate security at comcast. clancy is a villanova graduate who taught history at father judge high school in north philadelphia. a man diagnosed with the first case of ebola in the united states was not admitted to the hospital, earlier.
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thomas duncan first arrived at a dallas area hospital on september 26th, and sought treatment for a fever and stomach pain. cdc says, he flew to the u.s. from liberia on september 19th. duncan told a nurse at the hospital about his recent trip but was still sent home. >> regretfully that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team. as a result, the full import of that information, wasn't factored in the clinical decision making. >> health officials are monitoring as many as 18 people who were exposed to duncan and that includes five children. they have not shown any ebola symptoms and meanwhile the hawaii patient is quarantined at a honolulu area hospital while he under goes testing fore bowl a. a call to action following a deadly accident that killed a six year-old boy in nicetown. the child was struck and killed by a passing car on the 3600 block of 15th street yesterday afternoon. police say that the child was
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walking home from school when he he ran out in the street between parked cars. one resident says, crossing guards in the the neighborhood could help prevent future tragedies. >> there is never been a crossing guard on in of these corners from erie have avenue from allegheny and they only in front of the schools. >> police say five two-year old driver, tried to free the child from under a car but it was too late. no charges were filed. happening today new push to change hate crime laws in pennsylvania, lawmakers will hold a hearing at kimmel center talk about adding lesbian, gay, by sexual and transgender people to the states height crime laws. they come after two gay men were attacked in center city last month. boardwalk comes right here to philadelphia you are looking live along the new schuylkill banks boardwalk in center city. it is a 2,000-foot extension of the river trail from locust street down to the south street bridge.
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city officials will host a ribbon cutting ceremony later this morning, that is just beautiful. that will get a lot of activity in doubt about it >> this morning we are learning of more confirmed cases in new jersey and turn fatal in road island where a fifth grader died from complications of that respiratory disease, that is coming up. also parents are getting answers after a scare at sandy hook, hear what was discussed at a late night meeting after a bomb threat was called into the school. and incredibly, up close video of two great white sharks attacking each other, what sparks this rare battle ahead. >> ♪
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>> looking live down the shore, weather will be so nice you just want to get out there and break free. just enjoy it. >> running through the sand. >> run through it. >> put your toes in the the sand. >> break free. i love it. katie has more on your forecast, torey has your forecast, so glad you are with us, we will be right back.
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unless they are step down. china is the commune why is newspaper is warning of what it is called, unimaginable consequences, if the the protests, persist. and demonstrators want
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freer elections. and, fire races through a community in brazil's largest city, killing at least one person. by the time it was placed under control inferno destroyed a hundred homes. investigators are working to determine what sparked that blast i have blast. let's get our traffic and weather together on the three's. we will start with katie, good morning. >> good morning, everybody. we are in between systems right now, very evident looking at storm scan three area have of low pressure that brought us nuisance issues last few days. still pulling away but gone for us, we are okay here, meanwhile our next big thing, potent frontal boundary really giving portions of the central united states a wallup here, cold air behind it, stormy wet's head of it. here's what it is for us, mainly a rain a wind producer. we will go to future rain amounts and notice time stamp first and foremost, 9:00 p.m. and we have basically nothing, out there, so your entire friday, overall, looks good, and i would say, generally midnight and beyond we will see rain moving in here and
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right now i like these future rain amounts. this is just a model but i think you're talking up to a half inch or so, perhaps, a couple locally higher amounts in a place like the mountains. meanwhile yom kippur kicks off friday evening with cloudy skies, starting to build here but the showers are only, approaching at that point. i don't think they will be here until overnight hours of friday and into about midday saturday, we will look ahead to the weekend as a result on have this front and it will live up to its name of cold front as temperatures take a serious nose dive. we are talking 36 on sunday more reminiscent of halloween but when we factor in the breeze that will continue to accompany it it feels like november. wow. vittoria. >> how do you follow that. >> i can't. >> you were really setting that autumnal october tone, like wow, halloween, yes. >> thank you for picking up on
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it. >> you got it, i'm here girl. i have some pretty bad news for i-95 commuters. it is bound to get worse. 6:15. spooky skies since we're talking about halloween. through go, thanks katie. you have picked up on it. traveling in the north bound direction in delaware count a approaching the commodore barry bridge we will find a slow down here. south bun not so much. it that is north bound side. we will take you out to the ben franklin bridge where traveling in the westbound direction folks making their way in downtown philadelphia, right lane compromised for construction not causing a hold up yet but it does every morning rush. watching us right now you and out and about jump on the been, shortly you will notice that there will definitely be some volume when you get there dropping down to 32 miles an hour on i-95. northbound slow at cottman avenue from an earlier oil bound disabled vehicle. southbound slow to the northeast. we are seeing that dip of the speed sensors on the westbound side of the schuylkill around city avenue, ukee.
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here's today's headlines on cbs-3. police have a suspect in custody after a 17 year-old girl was hit by gunfire in wissonoming. investigators say gunman chased the girl down cottage street after an argument. also fire officials are searching for the cause of an early morning fire at the former simon mayer street in north philadelphia. there are in injuries, but the school building is up for sale. and a new head of the secret service is joseph chance friday havertown delaware county. clancy replaces julia pierson who resigned after security lapses around the white house. we will be right back sports up next.
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st. louis, could be just what it takes, to get shady in being coy's running again. they led it in rushing last season but his numbers are way down after four games this year. meanwhile the rams have allowed a hundred yard rush inner each of their first three games. shady and birds necessity they are working with a makeshift offensive line right new but lesean is still confident. >> i know who i am, i'm still confident, i know what i can do it doesn't really bother me that much. we're winning games. we are three-one. it can be frustrating but at the the end of the day i know who i am center jason kelce could be back from sports hernia surgery in time for november 10th. panthers game at lincoln financial field. that is what he is shooting for. guard evan mathis may return
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for that same game. there is another prime time nfl game tonight, it is pack are and minnesota vikings, at historic lambeau field. it is in green bay, wisconsin. pregame coverage gets underway at 7:30 tonight right here on cbs-3. it should be a good game. baseball new american league divisional playoff round starts tonight with the tigers and baltimore orioles play at camden yards this afternoon. in the late game kansas city royals play the angels in anaheim. the the national league last night the brandon supplied the offense for, san francisco giant in the wild card game. brandon crawford, hit a grand slam and first base man brandon belt had three runs batted in and the giants beat the pirates, shut them out eight to nothing. madison baumgardener threw a complete game victory. giant advance to play nationals in washington tomorrow. it was no secret philly sports fans have earned a
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tough reputation of snowballs, batteries. >> well, in on have that compares to what went down last night during a soccer game in england. check it out. riot police stepped in after they began throwing flares on the field. this happened during the arsenal champions league game. >> eventually the the goalie scooped up those flares and game continue. police did make six arrests. >> wow. >> that is just a whole other level, snowball is one thing but flares. >> that was a bad santa back in the day, i'll tell you the the story, franklin field. >> i'll tell you bit. >> our time 6:21. >> young girl abduct 12 years ago is found, we will have that story next. thinks astounding find out why a record number of 35,000 you of them why they came to shore in at last contact, that is up next.
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let's get our traffic and weather together. pretty calm right now, katie. >> it is going to stay that way for two days, great news to wrap up the workweek here. over the last two days and overall been pretty nice. made for a very nice forecast because we had to throw in a shower chance for last couple have of days. storm scan three is quiet as can be. if you are lucky enough to have scored a day off here, heading down to the shore, it looks like a nice day generally speaking. uv index continues to drop and that rip current risk does remain low as we sit between systems with quiet weather through tomorrow. overnight friday into saturday a potent front, sweeps through the area, vittoria. >> thanks, katie. trying right new you to travel on the 42 freeway making your way approaching 295 or creek road in this shot here, north bound side we are filling up with a touch more traffic. it does seem to me that the rush hour is now upon us. traveling northbound again
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approaching creek through to the walt whitman bridge is where your slow down is. southbound 42 we are moving fine, heading down toward the expressway. take a look at drops in the speed sensors, i-95 heading out of the northeast down to the vine. traveling on the schuylkill in your western suburbs looking great however on the blue route in delays for mass transit, erika. parents of students at sandy hook elementary demanded answers after a security threat at the school. a bomb threat was called in early in the school day, wednesday morning, hours later, parents attended a meet to go learn more about that call. the the time line. and the the investigation. assured parents that the school is 100 percent safe for students to return to class this morning. >> new town public schools in this community will continue to rebuild with great dignity and pride and i believe that an night like tonight is an opportunity for us to come together as a community to gather resources and spoke
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support each other. >> the principal told parents, students were not told about the security threat, in classes would resume as normal today. a child abducted more than 12 years ago will soon be reunited, with her father. investigators say sabrina allen's mother kidnaped her in 2002. she was four at the times. after a long search authorities arrested darryl lawrence in mexico and brought her and sabrina back to travis county texas. >> i'm going to ask her if i can give her a hug. she is in pretty bad shape is my under standing. i just pray for healing. >> we're told sabrina is receiving psychological treatment her father hopes that soon he will get once again to see his daughter. new to a rare sight caught on camera two great white sharks attacking each other. >> a diver captured this whole thing on camera off the southern coast of australia he said larger shark became
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aggressive when smaller shark tried to eat some bait. the small are shark got away in one piece and experts say that the larger great white often, assert their authority but an attack like this one does not happen very often. >> captured it on camera. that is what you call it all out when animal meet in large groups. that the is happening in alaska where 35,000 wallrus came to shore. it is a sign of global warming. they are having a hard time finding sea ice to rest so they are making what you might call a pit stop, how about that. hall out. >> yes, but look at all of them. >> i know. >> unbelievable. >> coming up in the next half an hour on "eyewitnesess news" new concerns about entero virus d68, more cases reported in our area, as the respiratory disease, turns deadly across the country. plus this... >> questions on why the
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patient with the first diagnosed case of ebola in the u.s. wasn't quarantined earlier i'm omar villafranca in dallas with reaction from his neighbors. torey and kate returns, we have traffic and weather together we will do it on the three's we are back at the the bottom of the hour so glad you are with us good morning see
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have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes.
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meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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good morning everybody, thanks so much for joining us. more than a dozen people including five school children in dallas being closely machine toward for symptoms of the ebola virus. this is after coming in contact with the man being treat there had, for that deadly virus. omar villafranca has more for us. >> reporter: some parents in dallas say they won't send their kids to school today after hearing five students in the area being monitored at home for signs of the ebola virus. health officials believe that they are among 12 to 18 people who may have had contact with the first patients diagnosed with the disease in the u.s. the students didn't have any symptoms, so the odds of them passing on any sort of virus is very low. >> reporter: health officials are also monitoring the ivy apartment complex. paramedics transported patient from an apartment there. he hads been identified by kt tv as thomas eric duncan. >> you could not see what was going on so kids don't get
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sick. >> reporter: federal health officials are trying to figure out why texas health initially released the infected patient when he first felt ill. duncan originally went to the hospital on september 26th, complaining of fever and abdominal pain. a week after flying in from lie beer y nurse reading from a ebola checklist asked if he traveled from africa. he answered yes but was released anyway. >> key hallmark of the triage process where have you been along with having these symptoms and how long have they been developing for? >> reporter: dunk as was add in myth todd texas health two days later where he remains in isolation. in dallas, omar villa franca for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". another possibly bowl a case is monitored in hawaii. health officials say a patient is in isolation at this honolulu hospital withe bowl like symptoms. doctors say that it is unclear why the man is very ill but he is undergoing testing to rule out virus among other conditions.
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meanwhile, health officials reported a pediatric case of enter o virus 68 in camden county. it is a seven year-old child hoist new recovering. there are in details because of medical privacy laws. there are seven confirmed cases of entero virus 68 in new jersey. road island is reporting the first death connected with entero virus d68. state's health department says ten year-old emily, died from a very rare combination of a staph infection, associated with the entero virus. cdc has confirmed american 400 cases of 41 states. virus, seems to be mostly affecting children with the history of asthma or breathing problems. 63:00 36789 i want to head over to kate toy get our forecast good morning. our forecast is very tranquil for the next 48 hours, and tracking our next potent cold front. we will get you out here and give you a sense, of, what you are looking good here to day we will call it a partly sunny skies, even though sun has in
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the yet officially listen over the horizon. that is what we have out there right now. partial cloud cover, and we will eventually see that sunlight later on today. and, and, only reason that we will stay quiet here but in the days a head, overnight, tonight, into tomorrow and saturday, for about midday, this next frontal boundary will rump on through here. likely no severe weather as pecks of of this but you're talking about heavier rain, probably some gusty wind along with this. otherwise it is a stiff breeze out there. so a chilly dreary saturday for the first half of it before that front completely clears. sunday looks beautiful but you will get a shock to the system because those temperatures will drop significantly. sixty-three is our current temperature at the the airport. cooler as you progress into the the west at northern suburbs, even through delaware in the 50's at this hour but as we go through the the rest of the day it will be a nice day. very seasonal for october 2nd standards. normal high is 72 degrees. that is what we're shooting for this afternoon. vittoria, over to you.
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thanks very much, katie, good morning everyone. if you are traveling on most of our majors you're doing okay, but the rush is among us and heavier in areas then others like traveling on the roosevelt boulevard. traveling in the southbound direction is where you'll see that stream of headlights making its way down towards the schuylkill expressway. that is your southbound direction right there. once you get to the schuylkill it looks like 76. westbound you'll find that pocket of traffic at city avenue, as you try to maneuver through your western suburbs. the eastbound slowing at the curve and then approaching the north bound side of the boulevard is moving well. as we look at the the schuylkill expressway in the eastbound direction again within your western suburbs it is in the great. that is this delay right here. the that is eastbound side as awe approaching the area have of conshohocken, more so, i would say really this is 476, moving down towards that way. so ease wound on the schuylkill expressway speed sensors dropping in the teens. same thing traveling on i-95, look at that delay stemming back to the far northeast philadelphia trying to make
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your way down to the vine. watch out for an accident eastbound on the pennsylvania turnpike at downingtown, compromising one of the lanes there. in major problems for mass transit, ukee. >> we're learning more about the accidental shooting that killed a pennsylvania state trooper in montgomery county. flags are at half staff for 26 year-old david kedra, the trooper was killed during a, training exercise at the the montgomery county public training center. the sources say another trooper was demonstrating a new weapon when it accidentally went off, and hit trooper kedra in the chest. >> he was highly motivated and you could tell it every single day that he walked in. he was extremely proud to be a pennsylvania state trooper and he showed it. >> the the trooper was a graduate of the temple university's criminal justice program and roman catholic high school of philadelphia. well, pennsylvania has closed portions of the delaware state for necessary monroe county as police continue the manhunt for accused killer eric frein. the game commission has also banned hunting in area police
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found two pipe bombs in the woods, where frein is believed to be hiding. he is wanted for last months deadly ambush of the state police barracks in blooming grove. one trooper was killed and another will be. there is a new temporary leader of the the secret service and he is from our area retired secret service agent joseph chance friday havertown will take over as interim director after julia pierson stepped down on wednesday. pierson also offered her resignation after testifying before congress about the recent security breaches at the the white house. the boston hurled apologized for this controversial cartoon that was public in yesterday's paper. it has caption white house invaders got farther than originally thought. cartoon shows the president brushing his teeth with a stranger in the tub, asking president obama as a he tried the new water melon flavored toothpaste. the artists also apologized. 6:37 right now, and have you been meaning to get that financial to do list but can't
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quite get it done. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger conducted research on why people procrastinate and have some tips to help move you forward, she joins you now from london, england, once again, jill, good morning to you. >> good morning. now look it is not that we are inherently lazy but psychologists say that some procrastinators avoid making financial decisions because, why? they don't want to be held responsible, for that decision later. thousands of them are avoiding the the investment matters because he or she wants to maintain right of second guessing money managing spouse later. others are fearful facing an issue head on. it is reality of stepping on to that scale once and for all. >> wow, wow. >> just how big a problem is this, jill. >> reporter: experts say as many as 20 percent of americans may be chronic procrastinators and it is causing them stress and in the
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surprisingly it is costing them money too. think late fees on credit cards that adds up to billions of dollars ab you'llly, filing taxes at the last minute which prevents many from claiming deduction toss which they are entitled and that failure to save for retirement which can create major problems in the future. so what do you suggest, what can financial procrastinators do. >> i know it sound simple but when you write down your to do's you are more lakely to accomplish them. write down three financial to do's and schedule sometime to create a plan to get those things done. here's a very weird quirk of the modern era research shows people are more likely to do something if they publicly post it. so maybe a little facebook sharing might help. other concrete steps include establishing automatic deductions from your paycheck to a savings account, enrolling in the retirement plan and setting up auto pay on as many bills as possible.
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if you need professional help, schedule that appointment and keep it and my favorite part don't forget to reward yourself for completing those tasks. for more on how we have become procedures contracts nation nation get to jill on >> only 20 percent right, jill, come on, thank you. >> yes, enough, um-hmm. >> travel safely talk to you soon. still to come on "eyewitness news" tracie morgan's career is in doubt after that crash on the new jersey turnpike, the injuries that could keep him from performing ever again. milla kunis and ashton kutcher can add mom and dad to their list of rolls, their baby has been born, details coming up next in the word we will be right ba
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hey, katie. >> hello ukee, we will start it off with a regional wide area of region still retreating. but we are looking the at a lull in the pattern, until, this guy gets here. it is a slow moving frontal boundary that has activity with it right now in the way of severe weather, but we have gusty wind over great lakes region. for us it is somewhat more lackluster. in the meantime outside we will get the two live neighborhood network 57 degrees at middletown ship high school, cape may courthouse reporting a light wind and you need that light wind as well as some moisture in order to get fog to form. you might see some of that, not necessarily near shore points but further inland.
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watch for that pollen report it looks good here. those levels are le for next couple days, ragweed, cheno pod continue to be predominant pollens for us. very seasonal and quiet overall, until that next front gets here so friday, overnight, most of friday looks fine, even in the evening for yom kippur, we will eventually see that heavy rain and the stiff breeze, start to kick in here and it looks like that sticks around through midday, on, saturday. then it is so much cooler, come sunday despite abundant sunshine. a shock to the system eagles tailgaters, think about a hot cup of cocoa, not the worst idea, hey guys if you love watching the weather, we want to you join our team of eyewitness weather watchers. sign up for our brand new program by heading to cbs, it makes accepts, torey. >> it does. >> i'm trying to, figure outfit will make sense for them to, swap something else for hot cocoa on eagles game day. >> a little soda. >> maybe, maybe or a hot to
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theie. if you are traveling on i-95 in either direction we are seeing slow downs in the rush hour. good morning rush hour. traveling on i-95 in the southbound direction we're seeing volume heading out of northeast philadelphia, down through the vine street expressway. if you are traveling specifically between academy and cottman and then approaching betsy down through the vine those are your heavier pockets. northbound we are seeing chase around cottman avenue. also northbound on i-95 around 452 and commodore barry area the in are the noun bound direction. traveling on the 30 bypass in the eastbound direction a touch of the slow down in the usual spots. twelve is your average on the schuylkill expressway. sixteen on i-95. definitely traveling teens on i-95 and 76. volume on the schuylkill is affecting southbound side of the boulevard, so expect just a few slow downs there as well pennsylvania turnpike, we have an accident there, be careful and watch out for construction project gress in new jersey, westbound side of route 07 on cuthbert boulevard. ukee. here are today's headlines on cbs 36789 a suspect is in
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custody accused of shooting a 17 year-old girl in the arm after an argument on her grandmother's important inch wissonoming. police say that gunman was previously wanted on a felony warrant. nicetown residents want more crossing guards, after a six year-old was hit by a car and killed at the school yesterday. the driver who hit the boy, stayed on the scene. a texas happies under scrutiny, after allowing a man to go home with ebola symptoms. the the patient told personnel he has been to africa but not check in, he was add mythed a few days later. we're learning this morning about the injuries tracie morgan suffered. morgan's attorney revealed that the comedian suffered a brain injury in the june 7th crash, with a wal-mart tractor trailer. his lawyers tell the new york post that morgan is working on speech issues and it is unclear if morgan will ever perform again. 6:46 right now. a medical student who suffered a devastating jurist facing a life time of medical bills that could top two
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million-dollar. >> now he is back in school and this weeks brotherly love he is not letting a disability get in the way of his dream of becoming a doctor, and he is get helping on the way. report report greg snyder is checking on patients at jefferson university hospital, he is finishing his fourth year of medical school. but it has been a difficult journey. greg's medical career could have ended in june of 2013, when he was paralyzed in a hiking accident. we talked to him last fall. >> i remember kind of approaching some large rocks, tying any dog up around a tree like putting his leash around a tree and that is kind of where i lost consciousness. i don't remember what happened. >> reporter: after a year of therapy, greg is back to his studies. >> i want to help you kind of sit forward to listen to your lungs a bit. >> reporter: greg says using a wheelchair obviously comes with some limitations but. >> it is an advantage for me because it makes the patient feel like i'm on their level. i come up to them, they are
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lying in the bed, we are looking at each other eye to eye. >> reporter: family and friend raised hundred thousand dollars for greg's medical expenses through an organization called help, hope, live, a radnor non-profit that has helped more than 3,000 people similar needs. former ceo lynn coughlin samson herself has a stepdaughter who was paralyzed in an accident. >> we bridge gap between what insurance pays for and what they need to thrive. we do that through grass roots fun raising. >> people on the other side of the country, on the opposite coast, sending me messages, saying help, we heard your story on cbs and we wanted to help out. it is a truly incredible organization. >> reporter: giving greg a chance to heel others. speaking of incredible, by the way, greg will graduate in a couple months and apply to residency programs. he also recently got engaged. if you'd like to find out more check out cbs and search brotherly love. >> incredible person. >> no question about it. >> lets see is what coming up on cbs this morning.
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>> charlie rose joins us from new york with your preview, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> hey, good morning ukee and erika, ahead we're in texas where a dozen people are being monitored for possible exposure to ebola and how west african man was allowed into the united states. plus former white house chief of staff bill daily takes us inside the problems with the the secret service, bill worked with the new acting director, why he thinks joseph clancy is the man for the job. dean reynold is at green bay's lambeau field ahead of thursday night football and will take us insight the world of cheese heads, that and more the news is back in the morning. we will see new ten minutes. >> world of cheese heads. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> i love it. >> thanks, buddy. >> thanks charlie. >> ♪ what is the word >> the word is congratulations for one of hollywood's hottest couples. >> milla kunis and ashton kutcher welcomed a new addition to their family. kunis gave birth to a baby girl tuesday night in los
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angeles. thinks the couple's first child. they got engaged last february after rekindling their relationship in 2012. hollywood's highest paid anchor robert downey junior took to the red carpet with robert duval as part of the los angeles premiere of their new film the judge. in the film downey play ace big shot lawyer and duval plays his estranged dad a local judge accused of homicide. billy bob thornton and vera round out the cast. the the film opens next week. adam sandler is coming to a tv near you. the comedian signed a deal with netflix, he is going to pre dues and star in four exclusive netflix films. video is expect to be a huge hit with users but the company is not giving out any details about the films or when they would be released. this is just one of the movies by netflix to try to beef up content and draw in more users. >> it is working. >> netflix, house of cards, and everything else.
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my one word to describe ac would relaxing getaway fun unique beautiful serenity shenanigans refreshing shopping surprising happy place you know what i mean? i want to say friendly. exhilarating adventure the boardwalk #nosleep it's a great weekend. there is so much to do here. it's so great to have it so close. it's just a great location, a great place to be. we love atlantic city. ♪
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>> wait, wait, go ahead, okay. check out this video, this black bear getting down in the washington state. >> some smooth moves there by the bear but in the really dancing just trying to get an itch he cannot scratch. state department of fish and wild life posted video of the facebook page lessons from an county black bear, how to scratch an itch. >> oh, yeah, right there, right there, oh, yeah. that is it. >> i love it. i could watch that all day that was great. >> here's katie. >> it is amazing what one music track can do to a story, that is so excellent. i love it. thank you, jennifer in the control room for pick ago this song. we are looking ahead my friends to a quiet couple days here as we take you out to the live neighborhood network. the white field elementary school, it is a little thin veil of low lying cloud cover thaw can see just off the grass. you may run into that. it will not be as pronounced
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as what we saw in the last few mornings. the lets talk about thursday night football and take you out to wisconsin here, lambeau field, i don't think i do it as well as ukee does it the but we have our next frontal boundary one that will affect us tomorrow night into saturday bringing in showers likely and thunderstorms, to that game. so weather may play a role but here at home we are quiet, up until friday overnight, by saturday and through the midday, some rain and some, gusty conditions out there as well. vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. if you are traveling right now on 476 this shot around ridge pike you will notice in the southbound direction we are feeling a little bit of the rush hour approaching the schuylkill expressway and definitely going to find the heat on our majors. we usually find rush hour traffic, even traveling on 422, not too far from the oaks area you will notice here folks are rounding the curve. taking a lot the a the schuylkill expressway speed sensor we are at 11. this delay on the schuylkill ace affecting southbound roosevelt boulevard and not only around the western suburbs your are slow. westbound slow at passyunk
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avenue making your way down into center city. fifteen on i-95. high delays from the northeast down to the vine. if you are traveling on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound at downingtown we have an accident there, watch out for delays and also traveling in new jersey, starting to see slow downs from the northbound side of the 42 and 55, no delays however for mass transit, ukee. torey, thanks very much. philadelphia's franklin square is press any pink. october is breast cancer awareness month and all month long you'll notice local are landmarks lit up in pink as part of the susan g komen lights for the cure campaign. a reminder for woman to schedule a mammogram. lights for the cure campaign is in the authority event year and cbs three is a very proud partners of the event. >> happy kick off party last night. wonderful event there. >> lets do it. well, officials are repurposes some grain silos in upstate new york. >> their new purpose ace track ago lot of attention. you'll see why here. they have been turned into a six pack have of le bat blue. buffalo river works is turning them into their in house
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brewery, and they figured the world's largest six pack, let's turn some heads. >> yeah. >> i can see that. >> yes. >> are you okay. >> yes. >> she has been up since 2:00 this morning. >> next up on cbs this morning city that plans to charge residents a doll as as they put too much left over food in their garbage. >> to continue follow your local local news
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speeds of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job of posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half-fast. totally half-fast. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him.
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good morning. it is thursday, october 2nd, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." new questions about the texas hospital that turned away an ebola victim. a shakeup at the secret service. former white house chief of staff bill daley on what it will take the fix the agency. and the daring rescue of an american girl after an international manhunt spanning 12 years. but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> he went to the hospital, said he was from liberia, thought he had ebola, and was sent home. >> he had recently arrived from