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tv   News  RT  April 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the never changed their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the car headline story. this news are the world's largest food drinks company faces scandal over allegations it's selling healthier baby food to western nations of supply developing countries with alternatives. but with charter parts, he speaks with an african physician who's like shoes, nest weight of negligence. type in lots of health, education, negative health institutions, richard, russia, slums, the social media, post stroke, read find, let's do any is on boston or to sweden. they suggest that premier grades will be assessed against rich people to take photos of the costs and before it's been turbulent times for link tire falls off. one of it suggests, in just on the street,
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that's the latest safety squared for the seemingly scrambled pro aircraft maker the with the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly and archie alone. welcome food joint nestle has find itself in bold, inc. controversy as it faces planes that it pushes a baby food products pack, which triggered in developing countries, but offers much healthier alternatives in western nations. we heard from african women accusing the multinational of malpractice. and i go to the hospital, there is as we say, see to them we databases. well this is see because i really said um this from sugar. i was surprised myself. i had to withdraw every use of
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leslie for the for now it has a lot of health education. negative health indications on the children's micro organisms help to maintain the protective layer in the go to prevent unwanted influences in the body. so the both sides like a binary i protecting virus and decided she does bring that very i don't what our teeth knew that the, you couldn't get it takes a closer look know at high western food companies are seemingly fueling alone, healthy diet in developing countries. a chat in south africa like in many parts of the african continent. spaby, molten serial are a booming business and 2 european companies dominates the field for giants initially and didn't produce palmer that's but as of late. myspace has found itself entangled in a control, obviously, because what positioning yourself as a solution to serious life threatening issues like hung up is studied by switch into
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a public i saw on the company pushing products designed for children and developing countries that are packed with adults should that the world health organization recommends that should, that isn't added into a baby's biased towards any one side until they 2 years old. and one of the issues that we see of the nest are important for some of the fact that is added sugar in some of the poor countries. is that the reason the sugar as bond either by mistake own so mission to global move, countries or so called waste and countries is because they are recognized. but this is a to a nutritional outfit for young children next slide produces to need. i'm not just full babies, but they produce food for people, wages and in 2021. there was a major scandal way. there was an internal memorandum leak, but showed that may say, acknowledges that up to 60 percent of the food portfolio is unhealthy. and one of the reasons it's unhealthy is because the add additional sugar. so if you can
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develop the sugar of dependency and young children was, they would see them consume as that means you'll have consumers for the rest of your life for you on housing products who actually took the time to visit one of so that's because because super markets and found that so the sooner like a baby serial had sugar in it. but there was no specification as to how much it contains on like the as the ingredients. but in contrast, infant formula and serial, sold in switzerland and on the main you will pin markets with a company as is headquarters couldn't seem to know. so got, let's say, has a history dating back to the 1970s of report to pay violate to big places put in place to protect the children, including the elated use of talk me by the end of the accusations of sending formula to the poor countries, which is less healthy then the natural alternative of priesthood. and some countries, including south africa, has even puts in place recreations that prevents companies like loosely from
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aggressively promoting the consumption of outs up process fluids, including products with a high sugar content. the reason that they've really strict regulations including yourself, i forgot that these companies like mesa, often breach when they makes these claims is because it's, i'm the minds and discourage just woman from breast feeding. now, why would you price feed rather than give you a child commercial for me on moke? well, so is the, is put in have all of these additional home full um products contained to ingredients. so it can be for a lot of matters, especially in south africa, access to say central liable to supplies. it's really difficult. so when this is preparing the formula moves, it means that they are exposing their children to die. reggie diseases, they believe that they would be more consequences in these travel in those countries. i think it stains from a genuine belief that they can exploit for a countries um that the populations will stand for it. and they know that if they
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have these harmful products in the market way, they are rated and way they show straight holders and executives. and that, that they might actually use their reputation in their own countries. and then those who use the support that their country is gives them when they busy with these international shenanigans, despite the evidence presented mislead denies, old integrations against it. will have undertaken significant efforts to minimize sugar content throughout our product range, including the face removal of edits, sugars, so just so gross and gluco syrup from our growing up milks for children above 12 months. worldwide web live, the same nutrition, health and wellness principles everywhere aligned with international guidelines and regulations. this includes compliance with labeling requirements and thresholds on carbohydrate content, including sugars, parents, children and communities in these poor countries, especially in covert district and citizens. south africa,
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we mothers have no choice but to feed the children with these products have resulted to the one thing that had abandoned as a result of these products. breast feeding. when i 1st heard about the news, i decided to throw the products away. i don't use them anymore until i know they're still parents who have no other choice but to feed their children with these products using siri, lack is easy. you don't need electricity or too much water, especially as people who never have voice and electricity. but for the life of our child is no other way to ask and the government to check these things before the end of the country for the sake of our children and the future. why would they allow us to feed all babies with dangerous cereals? they don't even tell us a wellness that clinics. well, i understand that it's a business, right? but if you're going to be marketing, product skill babies, like you would on a cigarette box, say this is not how healthy or it's harmful for the lows. i think there should be
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a key, a warning sign you need to make the consumer real aware of the consequences of using the product for all the all coding pools for africans to buy costs of these products. such tweak is limited only if you are willing to speak off to him the issue perhaps. so we can just how big and influential such would joins have become littlefield, couldn't get oxy to hide this bit. all right to europe, where a hundreds of protesters took to part of the streets this week to raleigh against the european union and nato demanding from withdrawal from the organizations. that's good for why demonstrators branded hum, made signs, which slogan, slumming, the west military and political bodies, not for the cheer, also of french opposition party liter, florian city, post reading nato flags while addressing sides commodities pain, the box drop of president mccullin's repeated demands to send more aid for see if i'm even to deploy a national fruits in ukraine,
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protest or say the international organizations have become instruments of the nato is part of our program to begin all our freedoms. because nato is one way of washington by the american states externalizing. how everything else at the end of these 2 terms in office 20 excessive hold of this military industrial complex was threatening the us and the holes were initially the european union was sold as an instrument for peace, but it is clear that the opposite is true, since the you is adding fuel to the fire and encouraging the work, particularly through the sale of arms. one piece, we have to get out of the european union and our to maintain the well your a, p and politicians are taking their support for key of one step further this time by replacing diplomacy with threats issued to moscow. on his ex account, the list you, any of them, buster to sweden posted
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a picture of russia's crimean bridge alongside a launch truck. it warning that people it should take photos while it's still standing. his post, which generates his father's ends of use online, caused a strong reaction. people on social media is suggested. the diplomats post is nothing less than a terrorist threat as its calling for destruction of critical infrastructure. i'm risking civilly lives. moscow was also quick to respond to saying that such quoted gaps will be regretted in the future. it looks like an same as the course garad, the tweet on north stream. some of the ash which you call, or the legal aid at later inspire serve while baltic us slab dogs. they rapidly bark now, but they will pathetically wind later when the judgement day arrives. and also, as a gas will be something that will regret ukrainian intelligence is not talking. it's the 3rd attack on the crime in bridge, calling its destruction inevitable. that's according to western media reports
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published earlier this month. the bridge which connects they find me in peninsula with the russian mainland as being targeted twice with car bones and drugs. since the cleaning and conflict began. 5 people were killed with key of claiming responsibility for the attacks, which must go called acts of terrorism. well, sweden based political research and commented or greg simon's told r t. it's increasingly clear. western politicians are concerned about civilian casualties. western diplomats these days are bravo, mysterious, because of some anti diplomacy which they engage in. so i think the mountains before engaging the price, you have most of the has the area in the cycle for you waste, which is uh, select confidence. and it's not making any sense. because you can imagine what i would say if someone from china, iran, or russian waited, take your last picture of london bridge because it's going to go down. so you live
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in a very much of a pain to see will the end of echo chamber. they don't care about the death of civilian so, mean this is about, there's some kind of fishy richard signaling showing that some russia is vulnerable . a box of pulls. they're trying to protect the weakest points to make this point. because things on the bathroom failed enough going the way anticipated by the waste will ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. ok, moving the program on the large crowds had gathered in this done or calling for a cease fire in war stricken gossip. protesters have also demanded that shipped from the so called freedom. so to let coalition be released to transport humanitarian aid from trickier to the end type free best cells cutting some 5000 tons of 8 were blocked by the african nation of gimme basalt, which removed its flags from the ships,
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allegedly in response to pressure from israel with more on the protest and other pressures the coalition face, there's ortiz, yes, neck and hundreds have gathered behind me in his stumbles. it is good. i square this crowd march through the streets of his stumble, to raise awareness regarding the palestinian fights. israel's also against the palestinian people against the people of gaza over the course of months. and since early october, the speakers that's up to the stands where one of the organizers who essentially came together to provide a briefing and an update on the freedom flow to that will be leaving. the target stops making its way through gaza. and the organizers are aiming to ensure that you manage here, and it makes its way to does the end, the organizing, another round of ships to, of course, take course to the gaza strip people. a lot of them on the 2 things. the 1st is free. i didn't go up, they went to an 8, does the and 2nd ceasefire. it's very simple. this is what you're doing. that's why
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i did that for them for the love dislike failing. that's why we are asking all over the world and leaders. let's take action. do a pretty enter and imitating a, the cease fire stealing, they'll be trying to organize. do they said they should be having a problem because these ladies are trying to step out for that full for the countries. because as you know, the issue, the ship must have the flag to sale. so the legacy, one of the country a near the is that is communicating the country and making pretty sure. so now we are trying to sort out this problem apply. each one of the country to get to do is connect folders sitting there. if he's a couple of the ships that were under the flag, a longing to get it be so have withdrew their ships. many people claim that the is released have applied enough pressure to ensure that the decision came through and this adds further pressure to the organizers to ensure that they can take care of the logistics and ensure that the flow tell us are the ships do leave these dots
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spencer to make its way to the palestinian strip. but there's also a great deal more complications as the organizes are trying to battle with that. the flow to list has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. and they are hoping to ensure that these ships leave as quickly as possible and the support in which they are referred to as a global resistance will make its way to palestine ensure that many of the a, that the palestinians they can be of course, provided one more issue in this respect is of course the response that the is really, as we'll show, we understand that in the early 20 times when a similar flow to the try to break the siege. that was established against the policy. and people, uh the ships were rated by these rarely forces and we can expect a similar outcome if not worse, if the ships are to leave these dogs and attempt its way to gaza. all right, destructive scenes from china now where a tornado has left. at least 5 people dead. on 30 more injured. the natural
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disaster struck the capital city of $1.00 province in southern china, which is a large manufacturing hub. video shows the scale of destruction that took place mainly during afternoon hours and affected factory at buildings. generally, the tornadoes came just days after extreme rainfalls flooded the same chinese problems causing for debts and forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands people. europe could di, that's the message from the french president in calling for the e. u to be more independent and unified. the law for particularly when it comes to sending yet more a to key if, but the warning is facing resistance from even close allies as a r t shorter to been ski report, the foxes president, adam poured the stock warning this week for you were pins who do it, we must be clear about the fact that today our europe is more until it can die. it
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can die, and that depend solely on our choices. but these choices are 2 bit taken. now, my goal is to can narrow the choices with the e looks to forward to future relationships. it seems that's going to be bad news for the long running from said long take friendship, you frequent to meet that well, we must continue to forge partnerships with non e u countries. in other words, we'll to europe capable of demonstrating that it is never the vessel of the united states. apparently nobody in both the feeling the us secretary of space, but the e. u isn't one of its facile space. anthony blinking was in beijing telling the chinese how to stay on the use. good side vision cannot achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security. since the end of the cold war. as, as we told china for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is
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a for us interest in our discussion today. i made clear that if china does not address this problem, we will, maybe someone should fill it in, but getting back to not calling this big speech, it all felt a bit good to take it. and that's because it was back in 2017 when he was freshly elected michael and gave a speech that acted as an i'd been to kit for this week's version. he went and europe was at the precipice. he called for you all me, a common defense budget, none of which resonated in brussels newell be owned until. ready hasn't we change that with the use 27 nations old marching alone to the own genes? the discussion about your opinion, army is actually a displacement activity because it will not come to that. and we all know that the question is if, if i ask is a soldier as a mandatory, what these european um, you know, with equivalence is that most of what coincide was
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a kid to old sending more a to ukraine. but getting the e year to do this, to get the did is fortunately clear that quite defense you countries will to continue to make decisions. tanya, mostly take spain on greece, both of point blank, refuse to send the defense systems over to key f. i things raising concerns about its own safety if it dates so. greece will not send neither es, 3, hundreds nor patriots to ukraine. we have said from the start that we cannot provide weapon systems that are critical to our deterrence capability. one would trade was 14, cleared, also disappointed. macros, recent suggestion that you are paying ground troops could be sent to ukraine, douglas, germany and well berlin bleats about coming together. and evelyn, pulling that weight, that only goes so far, because when it comes down to it, it also wants to hold tight onto its weapon supplies,
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particularly it's tourists. missiles that's different. as far as the weapon system in question is concerned, my decision will not change. now what brussels maybe actually for mac cones, by d is these days is proven in capable of putting any of them into action. let's take something as simple as the use promised to send 1000000 artillery shells to cave by march 2024. yes. last month did it? nope. why not? it simply didn't have the capacity to produce them and that is a big problem. but in your face is a when, if it could a 3 or all of this, it's not a joke. we are in deep ammunition is a symptom of a cultural problem within europe. they're talking from an industrial point of view of building a supply chain of 2 to 3. here's going back to that other idea of an you all may not go on, isn't the only one calling for this early this year. that was the same message that
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came from a to these foreign minister who were suppose a flat no, from at least for you, nations, spain, outlining why it was a no go the establishment of his common defense, unnecessary framework for the development of a european army would require an unanimous decision of the council, if achieving this requirement was almost impossible in 1992 when the re you was composed of 12 member states, a decision by any you have 27 normal countries in the future would be very difficult to take in this context, the idea is unrealistic or on affordable in the near future. so sorry, missed the macro and but the idea is already fundamentally so charlotte do been ski, know when i'm sending you blinking this trip to china was coming to a close on friday. the american secretary of state wrapped it off by accusing vision of attempting to meddle in this year's us. and actually he claims he's seen evidence of that. but basing dismissed that dr. we have seen,
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generally speaking, of evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere. and we want to make sure that that's cut off as quickly as possible. this is just simply biden's declining popularity, especially over issues of a gaza right now. these student protests are spreading. obviously his last muslim air above which could affect them in pennsylvania and michigan. so this is a domestic issue. blanking is simply trying to set up a narrative somehow that china favors trump as opposed to biden. because there's this beltway issue about who can be tougher on china or russia. blanket envisioning is kind of like blinking in wonderland. it's not clear what he's doing there or what he wants to achieve, and frankly, this latest trip has put in question his ability to be a credible diplomat and communicator. and i'll continue. reminder the u. s.
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continues to turn to china to solve issues. it created, this is, you know, kind of odd as the us dismantles, the international order that it championed, you know, a post world war 2 people are saying, well, what does this mean? it doesn't mean that you make america great, means that we should become service to you is a summary of some sort of hunger games. movie re enactment where it, you know, the us at the center and everyone else subservient. it just, it is unclear and obviously the message is not resonating with the global south. the rest of the world who just sees this is uh, you know, a very, very cynical selfishness i'm pretty blinking wasn't the only figure of notes spotted in china this week. billionaire entrepreneur last cas touched on in beijing on an on a night's visit the test. let's see over next the compression premier just hours ago and a paid to get his self driving cars period for let's look for it as marking more
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details on that's going to be find our teeth. the boeing plane has been forced to return to to help us burg, after one of its tires fell off during take off the flight. suffered yet was on its way to cape time when the incident occurred were watching. now the moment the passenger plane successfully made an emergency landing, it comes out. let's see us aircraft giant boeing is being offered by extreme turbulence right now. having being accused of cutting corners to lend itself bigger profits, ortiz double quarter picks up the story from their, the planes running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights, windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month. owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company is faced 30 to whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days
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after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower took to the senate floor and accused his bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now i would not the, you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it, the big earthquake is common, but when been that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly, right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being built per spec and power required. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them to aligned. i call of the tires on effect among other improper methods. the aerospace giant attempted to once again whitewashed the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solid for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of
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retribution were voice that a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up to, they get very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried fowler mysteriously died last month apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering key evidence to present and a lawsuit against his former employers. o. as in charles, pushing by dfcs to our suppliers, well i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send ex charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant new to the engineering intervention. when i return to charleston,
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my senior managers only weird sounds with many defects and he was going to take the next trip southern extra or you went on because of 2 of my inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades as long as line and 50 dfcs for its part. boeing rejects these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints moines, increase the promotion of the speak up reporting system result in the more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress stored or robust reporting culture. all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing, struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines. after 2 deadly 737 crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of
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$1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even injured after being thrown around the cabin of a $78079.00 during a so called technical event. it all seems to add credibility to the damning accusations of the former boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate alongside solve for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st match accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. the mts b chair reiterated the congress that boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines store. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally passed them to the fbi. i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year, making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet. trolls no tags. they can't even make
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reliable fine planes yet. will the doors and windows full off? i want to know thing to experience. they already protected, flying doors. hell know if it's boeing, then i'm definitely not going the secretary of state to had a problem with his boeing plane twice already and even had to travel by car. so it's potentially lease old technical failures continue to pile up. it's likely more and more people from all walks of society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. don't quote her dog. it's 8 some of the visit to the world. the parts studios next find out to exam is engaging in conversation right ahead and i'll catch you again. the phone. this is our to introduction. the
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welcome to worlds. a part of living within your means is consider that furniture in many cultures with one notable exception. the united states was public dat girls roughly by a trillion dollars every $100.00 days in the past. it used to sustain the so called american dream, the amory of the whole world. but the benefits of these seemingly, unless ballooning a much less apparent validate at least to ordinary people, how much longer would the united states or rather the american, the leaves exist on this some.


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