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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

10:30 pm
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the hero of our story today is the commander of a tank battalion, ivan dadosov, he managed to carry out a brilliant tactical operation, commanding only three tanks, destroyed 10, was able to force the enemy to leave their positions and retreat, thereby winning the battle time, giving our... troops the opportunity to go forward.
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in february of the twenty-second year his tank the battalion received the task of taking the city into danger, but encountered serious enemy resistance. on february 23 , the task was received; at that time i was the commander of a tank battalion; the task was received to break through the enemy’s defenses. ours was located in the ugan direction near the village of popasno. at that time it was the largest populated area that was occupied by the enemy. and, of course, the liberation of this settlement was very significant in all matters. there was a prepared defense, which was not prepared one year, it took about 8 years to prepare, and there was a so-called buffer zone, which was 5 km between our units. here. these 5 km were sown over these
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many years with all sorts of rubble, minefields, the best road that connected us with the enemy, this would go against all the regulations, because as a rule, this is the most prepared section or breakthrough line, which the enemy will expect, and naturally he will pull more and more forces there, well, which, in principle, gave the decision that it was necessary to attack in pairs, a battalion consisting of thirty vehicles,
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divided into exactly 15 pairs. a real tank battle unfolded over these kilometers, the first obstacle that awaited was a built checkpoint, let’s call it god, even, in front of which there were the teeth of a dragon, you all already know, these are called traders, the machine is like that, you can hear it from afar. more direction from this checkpoint, direct visibility is about 3 km, that is, it was already visible in advance, even while conducting reconnaissance from the air, accompanying these vehicles, they observed, there was absolutely no movement, neither equipment nor the guns, as if sitting in the trenches, somewhere in
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the shelters, were absolutely not visible, it was a deceptive silence, the aurak hid, camouflaged and prepared. to the defense, the entry point was well fortified, anti-tank weapons were at the ready, the ukrainians were waiting for our tanks, we were given the opportunity to drive in, and already standing at the crossroads, the most unexpected things began, let’s say, from the enemy’s side, they closed behind the car. the possibility of retreat and fire began on this vehicle with everything possible, they sent anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers, the tank, which was in
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the enemy’s shelter, began to fire, our tank fired back and the first second, immediately the shooting began with house grenades, which... to allow the vehicle to go back, the crew did not hesitate to pay tribute, here is the competent leadership of the tank commander , that is, the crew fully exited in their vehicle under their own power, after they opened fire on them, accordingly the enemy withdrew all their firing points, a decision was immediately made, not as quietly as we wanted, but to make a full fire move, let’s say demolish the corridor just everything that is on... the way, including this checkpoint, this is called a tank breakthrough, for which the command was received, to make a tank carousel with the remaining fourteen pairs, we have such a concept as a tank carousel, when some vehicles are working, their shift is already approaching them others, in order to continue and not
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stop this fire - shooting, the shooting does not stop for a minute, not to give the enemy the opportunity to take a breath, they did it for about 2.5 hours. aimed fire, destroying and revealing all fire points on this line, here the enemy used everything he had at that time, opening fire and artillery, this was all done with the goal of preventing us from breaking through in this sector, while each of the crew not only carried out their task clearly and quickly , is important here. there was coherence, ingenuity, yekaterburg, i kazan, reception, and also observation, where they hit from, where they shoot from, where the enemy is, where the ambush is, the command message along the chain was transmitted instantly, everything was accepted, let’s quickly, i’m working on the enemy, it turns out
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the crew is already taking notes, somewhere around here, like this, well, they were firing at me, well , about there, a large caliber machine gun. around here , a grenade launcher was constantly firing from the same pocket, although we ended up there more than once. well, we didn’t understand whether there was something immortal there or something, why fire was always coming from there, although on our side there was a hit in this pocket on the first day, but it didn’t work out for us, we didn’t understand, it’s just why doesn't the fire stop, just imagine, 15 the steam is firing in the area there up to 500 m along the line, there on... the response is shooting from there, well, it’s just
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to give it its due, no matter how strong it is, i personally had no explanation to myself that a meter literally falls a shell from someone- then something else happens there that they don’t stop shooting from there, it was a shock, of course. we were also hit, at that time, out of thirty vehicles that were in perfect working order, there were about 12, 10-12 left, everything else was unfortunately knocked out for us, somewhere we still needed time to recover, the only thing i of course, i’m glad that every single one of the personnel remained intact. the commander, making a decision, proceeds from the fact that he needs to complete
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the task, while saving people, but also not being left without equipment and ammunition. already in the evening, when we gathered and began to weigh our sowing funds, let’s call it what to do next, the enemy does not give us the opportunity to pass, so what to do. and the decision was made to try to pass through a small forest belt that ran along the road and then ran into, well, let’s say, a small ravine, which divided this forest clearing from an empty populated forest, that is, where the trees were already thicker, the task was set... how to get to it, at least to it, which allowed according to the maps, this would no longer be the front line, but somewhere there would already
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be a path from the left flank at that moment, it will be easier to attack the enemy, that is, on the flank, than in a frontal attack, you know, they say, you can’t enter the water twice, we also, in principle, learn from the same techniques, textbooks, what the first time it worked, the second time there is no point in meddling there, the opinion is right there, the enemy will think the same the thing that won’t stop us is that we didn’t succeed the first time, and so the decision was made that let’s distract, stretch out the process of a frontal attack as much as possible, with three machines that were prepared for this task to try everything -to make this path into the forest belts. we managed to make a path,
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but we overdid it a little, we didn’t go to this intersection, but a little further, because well, there are few landmarks in the forest, it turned out that we came out a little not to the flank, but a little bit where three of our tanks worked almost like a tank company. as unexpected as it was for the enemy that we came out with three vehicles, it was the same for us, and we didn’t even understand at that moment how many vehicles there were, such a, let’s say, tank duel began, it began, the right decision was made, let's slowly start spinning, that is, play this tank carousel and see how many of the enemy will come out, so it gave a result, this method of combat is often used by russian tankers, it is similar to... cossack venter, a trap that the cossacks used in the horse lava to
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mislead the enemy. venter is the same carousel, everyone is spinning around at a frantic pace, whistling, jumping, and then unexpectedly strikes, the enemy is in vegetation, does not understand how many enemies there are, loses his head, and panics. so ivan dadosov managed to unwind an entire tank company with three tanks using a carousel. and these are 10 enemy combat vehicles, you know, the enemy not only cannot understand, he does not understand how many vehicles are working when without stopping, again, it’s coming to you... ivan dodosov helped the unit solve the task and even exceed it, so then they will write in the combat report of that
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day, it’s all so fast, it all happens so quickly when you’re completely. you leave the battle, only then the realization begins to come that well, it really worked out, the so -called bait played its role, it’s just that no one there even cared about what was happening on the enemy’s left flank in the forest, a trick, this is a trick, it's like a card card game, after the battle, when they began to count the losses, it turned out that our tankers were all alive, we came out without losses, all three vehicles, that is, it was worth a lot, but after we had already penetrated...
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we were freed in the city of lesenchansk, too we participated in the liberation of this city with our battalion, we reached the historical borders of the luganda people's republic at that time, now russia, and in general it is difficult to talk about the military affairs of military officers and it is simply difficult at the same time, because these are special people, they are in ordinary life simple-minded, cheerful, kind, but during combat work they become... warriors who fight with other warriors of the same kind, but the whole difference is in who is fighting for what, and whether it was necessary to do so is very often asked at events, even in schools, children, i say, imagine, you just got up for school, woke up, your mother made you breakfast there, you ate, now you are going to school, have fun
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, everything is fine here, you are sitting, studying, i say, and now imagine that now you are sitting here, it will fly... there, it will fly there, while you are walking to school, something somewhere will explode, this, this, that’s when it dawns on them that god forbid this happens to us, right here, because of this, we started there, so that this would not happen here, ivan dadosov graduated from the kazan higher tank command school of the order of zhukov. this educational institution is today called the forge of officer personnel. the traditions of russian and then soviet military science have been preserved here. the school remembers ivan dodosov and is proud of their graduate, we not only remember, we give an example, our heroes of the russian federation and i must tell you that it is not so easy to learn from us, look at the piece of hardware, this is hardware, he studied it, mastered it, he didn’t just master it, he studied its combat use, he studied the tactics
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of use, this knowledge, that we give them here allows them. victory over the enemy, over the enemy. today he, a student of the academy of ground forces, this higher educational institution graduates commanders, those who must truly be able to lead many students of the academy officers with combat experience, this is obliges the listeners themselves and their mentors to do a lot. there are no ordinary people here, everyone studies here, well, probably 95% who have passed through the hot spots. it’s like now, when i first came to him, he’s a major, he ’s a hero with a star, all the military officers in his group are there, many have the homeland of courage there and so on, well, my perception was simply that he’s a hero - this is something, you know, that you just can’t talk to, it turns out that the heroes are the same as us, you know, ivan is very an open, calm person, reasonable, ivan alekseevich and i were talking about how
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he felt, how he felt, being the commander of a tank battalion there, ivan alekseevich looked at me like, well... he said that i , well, i know my crew, i know my tank, i know my neighbors from right to left, i know what i’m doing, fear and anxiety go away, and you are focused on completing your task, the more he told me some life examples, and how he entered there, and it is clear that the man professional, professional, this is a high title, and ivan dadosov deserved it, he knows everything about the disadvantages and advantages of his favorite tank. t-72, how to maneuver, how to load, how to repair, how to escape from fire, the tank is absolutely simple, why i have it the most. it is very simple in repair and maintenance, plus ease of control, namely the control system, both for the gunner
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operator and control of the levers, which is controlled by the driver. a tank is a complex fighting machine, you have to love and respect it, then it won’t let you down in a critical situation. i i always answered like this, there is nothing more terrible than a russian crew sitting in any car, of any make, but ours. after ivan dodosov was awarded the gold medal of the hero of russia, hundreds of fellow countrymen met him at the kazan airport, he did not expect this, everyone was there, there were also from the kazan tank, and representatives of the presidential apparatus, and the head of the district in which i grew up, relatives , all brothers, two siblings, triples, we couldn’t leave the airport for about an hour and a half because we were congratulating. orchestra from a kazan tank, well, this is actually my native school, here, well, i didn’t expect why in russia
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the military has always been and is revered, why we call them the elite of our fatherland, during ceremonial parades on red square and in soviet times now a special feeling is evoked by the even, as if rulers. in what families did these guys grow up, who raised them, gave them the right instructions and a compass for the path of life, from ivan dodosov - this is his father
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alexey anatolyevich and mother tatyana nikolaevna, he was short all his life , from kindergarten, we bought him a uniform in first grade, he went to school with them until the fifth grade, he graduated from school, he was short, he was a real tanker, he stood out, the girls carried him under their arms, and he still has one girl, well, a classmate, marina, to this day they are friends, she took him by the neck like this all his life and dragged him everywhere around school, he was very small, but everyone at school loved him, if he sets a goal, he will achieve it, and for him, if he sat here like people , they sit for three, 5 hours, doing homework, he would probably be some kind of scientist, but he’s five.
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to protect russia, family, people, no matter who vanya becomes, no matter who he is today, he will always remain a younger brother for me, and i always want to protect him, you know, although sometimes it’s probably stupid with on my part, he can already make decisions himself and make decisions not only for himself, but for a fairly large number of people, there are different professions, there is such a profession, the homeland. not everyone can wear shoulder straps, but if a person wears shoulder straps, consciously puts on shoulder straps, then it means the person already has
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desire, desire with all... the ongoing consequences, those close to ivan dodosov, like himself, today often have to answer the question: what are our guys fighting for, for what values, the answer to the hero’s mother is simple and understandable, and i always pray to god and i say: “lord, help them, the guys, everyone, they say , the mother’s prayer goes to the kiana, although in our youth we were not taught about god and everything else, you come to this with
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the dream, you know, so that the svo ends faster so that there would be no such wars and so that everyone, everyone, all men, someone’s son, someone's husband, someone's father returned alive to their families. the dadosov family and thousands of similar families, russian military personnel, are the foundation of our society, where the traditions of family life are preserved, where mother is mother, father is father, son and daughter, brothers and sisters, where everything is simple and clear. what is given by god is not destroyed, it is preserved, this is the strength of spirit and military skill of the tank driver, hero of russia and professional, officer of the russian army, ivan alekseevich dodosov.
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the current ukrainian government acts smoothly as the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, an assembly was created that is not the church of christ, moscow. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the monastery. the united states, the west, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what happens further. stand, who are they, new guys, this
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is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white you can sing roses, i can, you’ll sing somehow, lively, we don’t need names, it’s not a trinket, it’s not a pinch not yours, god’s light, there’s a mark, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to rebina's call sign, no, this is my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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the west is increasingly asking the question: will russia use nuclear weapons? answer: yes, but under what conditions? this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, watch now. it will finish off ukraine, it will not save zelensky,
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but it will spoil russia.


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