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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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well, a tablespoon of honey. nine-year-old emily speaks and thinks fluently in both languages ​​and helps her mother master bread baking recipes. i love sakwaska. whole grain flour from altai, where the zellinger family moved from germany 3 years ago, then moved to the don, where the climate is closer to what it was in their homeland. that's it, no more. jeanette has two higher educations: a teacher and an accountant. vladislav is an engineer. we realized that we live in some kind of, i don’t know, some kind of gearbox, it’s just spinning and spinning, and now we now have the opportunity to break free and do what we like, tusya, tusya, tusya, the goat tusya recently brought kids, there will be more milk, they will start making cheese. some people went to the store, but we went and killed a goat. in germany, the zellingers lived in a large village and they didn’t have such experience, so it was a discovery for everyone.
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the starozolotovsky farm is located in the konstantinovsky district of the rostov region, the house is small, but the location is stunning, with a vegetable garden overlooking the don and a village church. zolotovka is preparing for easter, under the guidance of the master golden hands vladimir makhonko restoration of the belfry. first we paint over it, then we restore it all with beech wood, like this we take it with our stash, a delicate sponge. it is impossible to refuse the offer to participate in this matter. in progress, understanding that every person, even one, can bring something of his own, good or bad, into the life of a small settlement, a special meeting about the zelinger family was not held in zolotovki, but the khutarians take a closer look, comment with their characteristic directness, humor and love , well, what are you doing here, the germans are in the farmstead, the germans, yes, how are the germans behaving? germans are ok
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behave, but the german is cunning like a gypsy, yes, his wife works hard, he sits, well, he’s an engineer, he exists, but vlad is just not always in front of our eyes, his work is 200 km from here at a factory for the production of agricultural machinery, he wound up in a farm-engineer in the person of vlad, and offered to plant strawberries, but there was no harvest yet, and vladislav, as a person of german origin, he is worried that... in general, it will be difficult, these buckets, and this harvest to take out from the field , and in order for all this to be included as much as possible, he suggested building some kind of special wheelbarrow, and we people are more real, we haven’t seen the harvest yet, yes, and how it will be, but we don’t build the wheelbarrow so much in advance, let’s say, another harmful german trait is punctuality, we decided to gather at 5:00 pm, but that ’s it doesn’t stop anyone from coming at 50 pm, that’s right, well, it’s logical to come here, but he comes at 5, we go fishing without much hope to admire. by nature, as fishermen say,
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no one’s flashlight bites except vlad, come on, come on, come on, oh great, who is it , cool, wow, i said it’s needed for fish there was a bucket to take, he could give the catch to the cat, but he decides to let the fish go, he will catch it when it grows up, in a year, in a year, like this, yes, as always on the don, everything is very difficult, but the don has always accepted everyone, here the germans used to be were. there will probably be more and not only germans, everyone was here, so it’s not a matter of who is from where, but a matter of who is why. zelangers also observe life in kutara and tell the whole world about it, they run a block with more than 13,000 subscribers, some of whom follow their example. somewhere around 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, uh, here are five families who were just about to be moved, which we... exactly know, they openly
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talk about the key reason that prompted the move, well, i can say, this is gender politics, i cannot support it and will not support it, well let's just say that starozolotovo, a formerly endangered farmstead, was brought up in a traditional christian way, now it is on the list of the most beautiful villages in the world, what is preserved here is being restored, new ones are being built according to strict aesthetic standards, and they are also moving here ancient houses that have become unnecessary in other places, a good house in two on two levels with nests, an old cossack house, in which the stuff is at least 130-150 years old, and it can be transported, it’s already being dismantled, yeah. i sign the boards, there is a unique house there. with the move here of the set of the film tikhidon , an open-air ethnographic museum began in the farmstead, more and more tourists, some lavender field, some don antiquity, and some rolls from the oven.
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a medical and obstetric center is being prepared for opening, a winery is being built where they will create wine from don autochthons, the world's most famous russian grape variety, krasnostop zolotovsky, originally from here. there are many places for creativity, in the church house jeanette teaches the local children music and musical notation, and it smells so delicious, the bread is ready, they are already waiting for it in the next smoking area, let's go to the table, everyone is already waiting for bread, there is don herring on the table, pancakes with nettles and potatoes, that’s when you can discuss everything, exchange for... a historian, they are former city dwellers, they moved to
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a farm with their children, for whom starozolotovsky can become not a museum or a dacha, but a home, flourishing and alive, but you know, when people... live, they are their own, you want there to be more of your own, they are yours, yes, they are yours, veronica bogma, eduart elin, vladimir shumakov and denis denisov, news of the week, rostov region, today one of the most important orthodox holidays, palm sunday or the entry of the lord into jerusalem, is celebrated a week before easter, in the name of father and son. according to tradition , willow branches are illuminated in churches; they symbolize the palm branches with which the inhabitants of jerusalem greeted jesus. patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill this morning performed divine liturgy in the cathedral of christ
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the savior. today, my dears, today’s holiday leads us into memories of the suffering of the savior. and at the same time helps us to understand a lot, he helps us understand what the meaning of our life is, what our goal setting is, why we live, why we should raise our children in faith, why we should love each other, our homeland, our people, amen , i congratulate you on the holiday, well, that’s all for today, all the best and see you after the holidays, on sunday, may 12, so what's up with the upcoming ones,
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zelensky is clearly a foregone conclusion. a major statement and interesting footage that can only be seen in the most exciting political program. yesterday i wanted to call you, but you were so busy, i couldn’t get through to you, apparently, when you heard that the president couldn’t get through to you, how did you feel? good evening, the president’s schedule this long pre-holiday week was very busy, work sessions, meetings, speeches, international negotiations in moscow, meetings of the council of legislators in st. petersburg. one of the most important events with the participation of vladimir putin was the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of bama, a grandiose project of the 20th century. on this occasion , azerbaijani president ilham aliyev, whose father heydar aliyev played, came to moscow.
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let’s start with this, hello, and also with exclusive comments on why peskov believes that zelensky’s fate is clearly predetermined. right now, the most important and interesting images of this political week. courage, patience and heroism. the most difficult trials that people go through in these regions, of course, sometimes they don’t fit into their heads. it’s just painful to watch, but we’ll put things in order there, that’s for sure. “donbass is the heart of russia, as another signal
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from the united states, how moscow treats and will treat what is happening, they openly admit that they are secretly supplying long-range missiles to kiev, and moreover, information appears that long-range missiles have already been used against russian territory, this is further confirmation of the direct involvement of the united states of america in the conflict around ukraine. second, very. interesting." aspect of this situation at the time when, apparently, these deliveries had already been carried out, the bill had not yet become law, it had not entered into force, accordingly, i would not exclude the possibility that those who adopted such...
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but with such weapons, ukraine will end up hurting more, there will be more casualties in ukraine, there will be more destruction in ukraine, because, as putin said, if the range of weapons increases, it will expand, whatever you call it, this is a sanitary, buffer zone, zone security, which will be required in order to secure our territory for our citizens. our program asked the president about plans to supply attack missiles from kiev back in october during visits. china, how seriously can this change the situation and how will russia react? firstly, this, of course, causes harm and creates additional threats. secondly, we will, of course, be able to repel these attacks. war is war, but most importantly, it is fundamentally, in no way able to change the situation on the line of contact. impossible. you can talk about this
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to say exactly. this is another mistake on the part of the united states. the united states is becoming increasingly personally involved.
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our people have a specific president, a specific regime, ukraine does not spare its citizens, and this is a tragedy for the people, this is a tragedy for the country. first they infected their country with all sorts of nationalist manifestations, and then they no longer shun anything, they do not hesitate to throw thousands and thousands more people into the furnace of this war. it seems to me
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that zelensky’s fate is clearly predetermined; very soon the moment will come when many including in ukraine.
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to give the floor, so who should give the floor? ok, ok, i'll take a look now. no, there are colleagues here, many want to speak in front of the president, and if you fast forward a few hours, you can see that
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there were actually queues of people who wanted to talk to putin, one of which put putin in line that this could happen, they warned him that such a militant , putin did not refuse questions, he lines up at the microphone so that i know your democracy, behind-the-scenes footage. shokhin, who saw the president behind the scenes seconds earlier, apparently decided that putin would come out of the scene from the other side, and finally began a dialogue.
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i just said, let’s normalize this situation, almost half
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of the cabinet of ministers was invited here to develop common approaches on various issues, and marat, now marat will say two words, and anton, and anton silanov, the khusnulin emirate and andrei belousov surrounded themselves with documents and discussed problematic issues raised, for now here we are with the ministry of finance of love. we haven’t reached agreement on these issues, but we’re getting closer very quickly, yes anton, we’re getting closer and they decided a lot right there, but this is what happened when they realized that putin was looking at them, the head of magnitka stood up from what he heard, congratulations on the victory of magnitka, yesterday i wanted to call you, but you were so busy, there was no way i can't connect with you, apparently. celebrated the victory with your team, when you heard today that the president could not reach you by phone, how did you feel? well, it was a joke, i think that everyone remembered this,
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because yesterday there was a call from the administration, to say that you will be on the phone now the president will call, i sat for half an hour, then they called after another half an hour, they said in an hour, and then they said, we’ll postpone it until today, so there was a joke, weren’t you busy at that moment? no, of course, absolutely, but in every joke there is only a grain of joke, the president is in constant dialogue with the heads of the largest companies, he knows that one of the key problems for everyone now is high interest rates on loans, just yesterday, the day before yesterday once again constantly in contact with the chairman of the central bank, i am sure that there will be changes, this is very i expect only stormy, prolonged applause, please do not consider any pressure on the central bank, right? ready to clap some more. inflation is gradually slowing down. and also, most importantly, inflation expectations. this includes the expectations of citizens, that
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is, their assessments and assumptions regarding how prices will behave in the future. but how will the central bank’s key rate behave when the bankers’ forecasts, most likely cautious, decrease? i think it's probably this summer, either yes.
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are being submitted in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, so absolutely everyone is applying, and not just within the borders of flooded areas, i don’t really understand what everyone means, everyone who is everyone, everyone who is in the affected areas is submitting, people who were not included are submitting in the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, then it is unclear why you are accepting these applications, it is written in my certificate, more than 400,000 applications were accepted, and 46 were issued.
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the amount of payments was set in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount was also not indexed, i i ask for the appropriate federal departments will return to this and resolve the issue of indexation; let me remind you that today it is 10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed, are you ready for this, do you have the money? well, floods mean people, yes, floods mean housing. our citizens, so the money will be found unconditionally, we will see how much the cost of one square meter of repair and restoration is, and we will present the proposal to the government, as the president instructed.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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